Back to school transition
Today was a momentous day for my kids. My 12 year old’s first day back to school and my Kindergarten daughter’s second week of school.
If you follow my Facebook page, you know that my son was seen at urgent care on back to school eve (two Sundays ago). The first day of the 2015-2016 school started on Monday, August 24 in our district. Only, my 7th grader wasn’t able to go because he had strep throat. Not the start feeling better within 24 hours of starting your antibiotics strep throat, either. He didn’t start feeling better until Thursday night. His throat was still swollen, making it impossible to understand what he was saying, so we kept him out on Friday, too.
Related Posts to Help Keep Your Family Healthy:
- How to Make Simple Homemade Shower Soothers
- How to Have a Flu-Free Season
- The Ultimate Mom’s Guide to Prepare for Winter
- 5 Simple But Effective Ways to Treat Colds in Winter
The lazy days of summer are officially over. No more sleeping in (a little). Homework, parent teacher conferences, school lunches, and mounds of paperwork are back.
I am thrilled that my daughter has reached a new milestone and that both of my kids are getting back to more of a structured routine.
With that being said, the back to school transition can hit you hard, if you’re not prepared. I’m sharing some of the back to school tips I followed to get our family ready this year.
- Clothing Children Inexpensively
- Make meals easier during the school year
- Back to school: Supplies shopping made easy
- Preparing for a New School
- Kindergarten Readiness (& How We Are Preparing for Kindergarten)
- Back to School Books for Moms
- 25 Teacher Gifts That Won’t Cost You a Dime
- 4 Parent Tips for a Great School Year
- Preparing for Middle School
- 3 Easy Ways to Avoid the School Paper Pileup
- Ways to Show Teacher Appreciation
- Help Your Child Succeed in School
- The Busy Mom’s Guide to Your Kids’ Fall Wardrobe
- How to NOT get drowned in school papers
- 20 Must Do’s Before School Starts
Contain your excitement — the first day of school is so close you can taste it. Sure, your babies are growing up, but it’s been a long, hot summer and you’re counting down the days until you can lovingly wave goodbye as those kiddos get on the bus. As you wipe the single tear from your cheek, you think to yourself: no more backyard bickering, coming up with creative things for them to do or crowdsourced grocery shopping. Clouds part and angels sing — your life is yours again… right? But there’s still some time left to make sure everyone’s brains still work after a summer of…whatever you’ve been letting them get away with. A little help from some awesome Netflix TV shows and movies can help to ease them back into the education mindset while disguised as fun. |
Need Some Inspiration? Check out our list of kids movies and TV shows to stream on Netflix. |
For older kids, put a fun spin on the stuff they’re dreading — math homework, spelling tests, science reports — the brand new Project Mc² Netflix Original Series, premiering on Aug. 7 provessmart is the hottest BTS trend. The show features four supercool teen spies who show how girls can use their science smarts and math problem-solving skills to save the world. Total #SmartGirl inspo! Catch a first look here. |
And the offspring of favorite fairytale characters in Ever After High’s new Way Too Wonderland adventure (debuting Aug. 14) empower kids to write their own life stories. Whether Royal or Rebel, your actions, behaviors and choices are your own to make. |
Get the little ones ready for new experiences with shows like the Netflix original Dinotrux from DreamWorks, premiering Aug. 14 — prehistoric hybrid dinosaur-construction vehicles team-up to use their different skills to solve problems and show that even the most uncommon of duos, like Ty-Rux and Revvit, can form friendships of a lifetime. |
They can also go anywhere and be anything by letting their imaginations soar on a Reading Rainbow journey, now available to stream. |
How do you handle your countdown to freedom, er, get your family set for a new school year?
I am a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam. I received a complimentary subscription and device. All opinions and selections are my own.

Great tips! Thank you for sharing with us at #HomeMattersParty. We would love to have you again next week.