Are you expecting or know someone who is? Many think that babies are expensive. This post will help you cut through the hype with four simple tips for sticking to your budget with a new baby.
Nothing brings joy into the heart of a mother quite like a newborn baby.
Unfortunately, nothing brings as much financial pain to your budget as well!
There’s no way around it: having a baby can be one of, if not the most expensive life experiences that you’ll ever go through.
And while there are obviously certain expenses that you simply won’t be able to avoid, there are also some clever tips and tricks to follow to make sure baby doesn’t completely bust your budget entirely.
Here are a few of my favorites. Affiliate links used in this post.
Tip #1: Have A Strategic Plan
If you’re going to have a baby shower, then you’re going to need to register for some baby items so everyone can shower your little one with gifts!
This is a great opportunity to strategically plan exactly what your baby needs — so that you can receive these items as gifts — and what your baby doesn’t need, so an item isn’t wasted by someone buying it.
My tip is to really keep it simple: start with the basics and keep it in a reasonable price range for your guests. This way, you will receive most of the essential items, at no cost to you, saving you a lot of money. I have a lot more advice for registering for your baby shower.
Tip #2: Stick To Essentials
If you read most websites devoted to moms, you’ll see a laundry-list of “essential” items that you just have to buy for your newborn.
My advice? Most of those things are NOT essential! Really, they are just “nice to have”.
The truth is, a newborn baby doesn’t require a whole lot out of the gate. A mother’s love, a warm place to sleep, and plenty to eat has been my recipe for a happy baby.
While all the other products are great to have if someone else (see registry tips above) is willing to buy them for you, don’t feel pressured into thinking your baby is missing out if they don’t have something!
Tip #3: Shop Smart With Diapers
Undoubtedly one of the biggest expenses you’ll face as a new parent is the ridiculous amount of diapers that your baby will go through! We’re talking up to 10-12 diapers per day!
If you are going to use disposable diapers like me, then there is simply no avoiding this expense. It’s a fact of life. But there are ways you can lower your diaper bill and save some serious cash.
While everyone has their own approach to buying diapers, my favorite way is simply to get an Amazon Family subscription, and take advantage of their “Subscribe & Save
” feature, which can allow you to save up to 20% on diapers.
Their selection is huge, prices are great, and the delivery times are super quick. I wrote a whole guide on this if you’re interested in learning more!
Tip #4: Request Smart Gifts
Most families like to shower little ones with lots of presents! And, of course, there’s absolutely nothing wrong that!
Family members generally enjoy making babies happy and they think the best way to do that is with lots of toys and stuff. Unfortunately, those things lose their usefulness quickly or your little one simply outgrows them. Then, all of those gifts are worth nothing!
So, one of my favorite strategies is to kindly suggest to family members who ask for gift ideas for a birthday, holiday, or other special occasion — that they make it a donation to my child’s savings or 529 account.
Sure, it’s a little boring and not nearly as fun as the latest toy, but in the long run, those dollars will add up!
As you probably already know, having a baby can be expensive. But, it doesn’t have to be so expensive that it completely throws your budget out of control.
Follow these four simple tips and you’re sure to save some money on your newest addition to the family.
Kate Trout is the author behind Maternity Glow, A New Mom’s Guide to Figuring it All Out. She’s a coffee addict, wine drinker, and cheese lover. Oh, and she’s also Mom to the two cutest little kids.
More Baby Advice:
- The Expert Parent’s Survival Guide for Your Brand New Crawler
- 5 Creative Baby Shower Gift Ideas
- Shopping for Baby
- 5 Can’t Miss Tips for New Moms from Experienced Moms
- 4 Tips for Sticking To Your Budget With a New Baby
- How to Balance Your Career When You Adopt for the First Time
- Bet On Your Baby (TV Show)
- How To Prepare For A Newborn Baby
If you’re considering an online baby registry, we recommend Amazon’s Baby Registry, which offers free 90-day returns on baby store purchases. You can even add items from other websites onto to your baby registry.
Sticking on a budget after having a baby is very hectic. I only purchase the essentials and look for offers, especially diaper offers. Thanks for these tips. I’ll try tip no 4 with my second baby and see how it will be.
This is incredible! The tips are great and they have enlighted me as I am prepairing to shop for my little preemie.