Wondering what secrets you should know once your baby is mobile? These are the exact steps this experienced mom would give a new mom to keep your baby safe.
My husband, son, and I lived in a 2 bedroom apartment when I was pregnant with my daughter. For the first few months after she was born, she slept in a bassinet in our bedroom, and it was manageable. When she moved into a crib, it became claustrophobic.
Soon after, we moved into a house with 3 bedrooms. Immediately, everyone had more of their own space, we were not tripping over each other, and there was more peace.
When we first moved into our house, the room that we wanted my daughter to have was being used as a dining room. There were two doorways: one to the kitchen and the other opened to the hallway toward the bathroom and other bedrooms.
We moved just two weeks before her first birthday. Before we moved in, we had to have a door with a lock installed at the kitchen entrance. I was very concerned that as she began to walk more, she would wander into the kitchen and something bad would happen.
This is what happens when your big brother shuts his door and thinks that means you’ll stay out. 🙂

What I Wish I Had Known the Second Time Around
The benefit of having multiple children is that you can “fix” the things you think you did wrong with your first child. You’re a little wiser, more experienced, and have more confidence.
There are some things I think I learned from the first go-round that made me a better mom in the second go round.
Wanna hear them? Here they go…
1. Picky eaters are bred.
I always said I didn’t want to be that parent whose kids would only eat kid food. I exposed my kids to many different fruits, vegetables, and types of cuisine.
But over time, convenience sometimes won out and I found my kids preferring “kid food.” That also made me realize that picky eaters are bred. Grocery shopping, preparing meals, and eating together can definitely impact how open your kids are to trying different foods. Give it a shot!

2. Create opportunities for your older children to be a big brother or sister.
Emphasize what they have in common. For my kids, it’s Lego, certain TV shows, and pizza.
Praise them when they get it right. My son took and posted this photo when we were out at Pizza Hut one night. I didn’t even notice that they took the photo. Then, he posted it on his Facebook page. I let him know how much his sister enjoyed spending time with him and thanked later.

3. Don’t buy a whole bunch of “stuff.”
Babies don’t need that much. Really and truthfully that means Clothes, Bed, Car seat, Stroller, and Diapers/wipes.
You can let family and friends give you showers and presents for your baby. That will save you a lot of time and a lot of money. It’s not worth stressing out or going into debt trying to buy a bunch of things that your baby doesn’t need and will not remember, at all.
They really just want to play!

4. Ask for help when you need it (and accept help when it’s given).
It doesn’t matter who cooks dinner, cleans the toilet, or picks up the groceries. If you can afford it and need it, pay for any help you need, too. Without the guilt. It’s your life. You make the rules. Period.
This is a short season of life where it’s more important to get things done than worry about how they’re getting done or who is doing it. You can get back to your preferences, procedures, and particulars soon enough.
If Grandma volunteers to take her to the park so you can get a break, take a nap, or run errands, say YES!

5. Use affordable diapers.
Many people have varying opinions when it comes to diapers. Some prefer cloth over disposable. Some have favorite brands that they won’t stray from.

The same is true with diapers. If you can find an affordable brand that works for your baby, then stick with it. Don’t pay more just for the sake of paying more.

Other times, I made a quick run to Sam’s Club and purchased a month’s worth at once. This case of Huggies Little Movers (Size 3) contains 180 diapers + 12 BONUS DIAPERS.

- Free shipping on Diapers/Wipes. No need to shop in-store. Have your order shipped right to your front door.
- Club Pickup. If you’d rather pick up your order, instead of waiting for delivery, order online and pick up in-store. No waiting!
- Save time with subscriptions. Subscribe today and get your mus-haves shipped on a regular schedule of your choice.
- Sam’s Club members will save $3.00 instantly at check out until July 17.
Only Huggies® diapers have a stretchy SnugFit Waistband to help diapers stay in place like no other diaper. The unique contoured shape provides a comfortable fit and stays in place as babies move and play.

DryTouch® liner. Part of the new Moving Baby System*, the new DryTouch® liner absorbs on contact, so your baby stays dry throughout all of their little adventures.

- Shaped for fit and flexibility
- Available in sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6
- DryTouch® liner** absorbs on contact
- Double Grip Strips for a comfy fit that lasts
- Leak Lock Protection for up to 12 hours of protection
- SnugFit* waistband
- Features New Huggies® Brand Moving Baby System*
Enter to win a $500 Sam’s Club gift card by submitting a photo of your baby’s moves!