Here are some great tips on finding Spring break childcare if you’re a working mom.
I’m facing the same challenge lots of working mothers are facing during the next few weeks: what will I do for Spring break childcare during the 6 days they are out of school AND how do I keep my child entertained? This year, my daughter is in preschool and my son is in middle school. More than likely, they will be hanging out with their grandparents.
In years past, I have sent them to a childcare center (when affordable). In 2013, my circumstances were different, so I was home during the day.
Our Spring Break & Easter plans usually include Easter egg hunts, egg decorating/basket filling with grandparents, and fun, local activities with me. My favorite part of Spring break: I get to sleep in later. (No waking at 6:30.)
Childcare During the Day
I have tried the first half of the list.
- Take vacation
- Take them to work with you
- Do a combination of both
- Leave them home with dad
- Send them to the grandparents (or other family)
- Find a Spring Break childcare program
- Hire a sitter
BegBarter with a stay at home parent in trade for some weekend or date night care swaps- Use your babysitting co-op
- (If your child is old enough) Have your child stay at home alone
Activities to Keep Kids Busy
Whether your child is old enough to stay home alone or you’re home with them, here are some ideas:
- Set up routines so that they don’t veg out in front of tv or video game all week
- Have a sufficient food supply (preferably of snacks and meals they can fix)
- Scout out kids eat free restaurants for a special treat
- Enjoy Spring crafts
- Take advantage of the warmer weather to get outside
Activities to Do with the Kids During the Day
If you will be home with your kids, enjoy the opportunity to do things during the weekdays. We have taken advantage of many of these activities:
- Have a staycation
- Go to see Movies (or binge watch something on Netflix)
- Science or art museum
- Library
- City/County sponsored events
- Church sponsored events
- Dental/doctor appointments (without missing school or taking time off work)
How will your family handle Spring break childcare?
[…] weekend usually marks the beginning of Spring Break around here. So, I try to create a mini-staycation in our local […]