Happy Father’s Day!
So, this Father’s Day, I decided to pay tribute to all the things that Dads are better at than Moms, at least from my perspective. Let me know in the comments if you agree and what you would add.
I think Dads are better at finding stress relieving hobbies and sticking to them. They fully immerse in these activities and are refreshed for the next day. They don’t feel guilty about doing it. Period.
Delegating to the Kids
My husband gives quick, summarized instructions to the kids and have the confidence that they can and will do it. And it gets done. Why didn’t I think of that? He also assigns chores to the kids when it’s clean up day. Maybe not perfectly, but again, it gets done.
Cooking (using the toaster oven)
Did you know that you can cook hot dogs, bologna, biscuits, corn dogs, and pizza in the toaster oven? Nuff said.
Being calm
Dads’ thoughts don’t automatically play out the worst case scenario, especially in emergency situations. They don’t freak out…expecting judgment from other dad like moms do about other moms. I think they go into every situation less stressed and without trying to multi-task. How about that for stress-free?
Tuning out
Whether we like it or not, they can (thankfully) ignore our (wives… moms) irrational rants, the kids being too loud, and “noise” (especially while watching TV or engaging in other many activities). It certainly facilitates that calm I spoke of earlier.
Focusing on One Task
Dads are prize winners at watching tv, playing with the kids , and other leisurely activities, without feeling the burdens of other tasks (like checking on dinner or the laundry). They are much more likely to do one labor-intensive task at a time.
Thankfully, Dads forget the mean things said, the stresses of yesterday, and the broken promise.
Thank you to my Dad, Grandpa, and Husband for being great Dads. Happy Father’s Day to all!