Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident is not easy. The first thing you must do is ensure that you receive the medical care you need. A serious accident requires a serious response.
Image by Valter Cirillo from Pixabay
If you’re wondering what to do after a car accident, this post will definitely help you.
If you feel faint or dizzy after the collision or you see that you are bleeding or feel that your bones and muscles do not work, you should not attempt to move. You should instead wait for an ambulance to arrive, and you should get the treatment you need in the hospital.
When Should I Speak to a Lawyer?
You will probably know immediately if the accident was caused by the carelessness or recklessness of the other driver. If the subsequent crash left you injured, you must of course focus on getting well. However, you need not neglect your right to claim compensation.
You should speak to a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles as soon as you feel up to it. In the first meeting, the personal injury lawyer you reached out to will collect some basic facts about the accident and your physical and mental condition.
West Coast Trial Lawyers have handled many cases like yours. They are aware of how difficult it is for people recovering from an injury to spend long periods of time talking. They will not tax you beyond your strength. However, they will need to gather enough information from you to lay the groundwork for your case just like the car accident attorney Monroe LA or any other authentic lawyer would do.
Why Should I Worry About Compensation?
Seeking compensation is not a mere emotional response to the accident. The tort laws of California give you the right to get money for damages done to your person and your ability to earn a living.
It is a practical response to an event that can devastate your life.
If you have been seriously injured and must undergo complicated, extensive, and expensive treatment to get well, the bill will eventually have to be settled. If you are like most people, you do not have the thousands of dollars that many advanced medical treatments cost.
There is also the hit you will take in your wages. It may be physically impossible for you to work for some time. You may also need to go through months of physical therapy and other recuperative treatment. You cannot get paid if you do not work, and your bills will not stop coming just because you don’t have the money to settle them.
There is also the pain you will be forced to endure and the emotional strain that you and your family will be put through. It is right that you receive compensation for the enormous stress that your household has had to go through.
If the accident has permanently disabled you, it will be necessary for you to build a new life. Depending on the extent of the disability, you may need to hire an in-home care professional, make certain changes to the interior and exterior of your home, and receive financial support for the rest of your life. There is no reason why you should be left on your own to figure out how you are going to get the money. The person responsible for the accident should be held liable.
Who Will Pay Me Compensation?
In most instances, the insurance company of the person who hit you will need to pay. This will not happen without a struggle. The main aim of insurance companies is not to pay their clients the money they owe them after accidents; it is to keep their own profits high. Even if it is clear that the accident was the fault of their client and that it has thrown you into a state of serious debilitation, the insurance company will offer you a small settlement. They believe that you will take the lump sum offered rather than go through the difficulty of getting what you are owed.
This is one of the main reasons why you should hire a social security disability lawyers in pittsburgh soon after the accident. The driver’s insurance company will not wait until you are completely healed. They will move quickly to try to settle the case.
Your personal injury lawyer will evaluate their offer and tell you whether it is acceptable. The greater your injury, the greater the sum of money you should demand from them. You should hire a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles as soon as possible after the accident.
What are the Benefits of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer?
When you are ready to pursue your claim, you should not hire any old attorney. You should retain the services of a lawyer who specializes in car accidents. Here are some of the benefits of doing so:
1. Expertise
Experience and specialized knowledge matter in civil law cases. A car accident lawyer will have command of the law as it relates to auto accidents.
You can learn more about what personal injury lawyers can do for you. Hiring the right car accident lawyer can help ensure your rights are protected and that you get the highest compensation possible.
They will also know the judges who oversee your case, if you need to sue or go to trial. An accident lawyer will have handled many cases like yours, and will be familiar with the many tricks, ploys, and legal moves employed by insurance companies to minimize the amount of money they must pay.
2. Confidentiality
Everything you tell your attorney stays with them. If there is some circumstance related to your case that you are uncomfortable sharing with your friends and family, you can tell your attorney. They are bound to secrecy, and they can tell you whether the thing you want to keep private will have any bearing on the case.
3. Advocacy
West Coast Trial Lawyers are advocates. That means they represent you and your interests before the respondent, the court, and anyone else having to do with the case. Your lawyer should handle all communication with the insurance company. You should refer all emails, phone calls, and written correspondence to them. They should be the only ones speaking for you. Even if you are called by the insurance company directly, you should say nothing to the person on the other side of the phone. Tell them to speak to your lawyer.
4. Resources
The insurance company that owes you money does not want to be sued. And they certainly do not want to battle you in court. Once you have hired a lawyer, their main aim will be to negotiate a settlement. Only a car accident lawyer has the resources to get you the highest settlement possible.
Your lawyer will send their own private investigators to interview witnesses and review the facts of the case. They will also tap accident reconstructions experts whose services they retain. Such professionals can re-create the accident through computer simulation based on the forensics. This kind of evidence is admissible and court. In negotiating your settlement, it can be used to pressure the other side.
Your attorney will also have medical experts describe and explain in sworn statements the cause and extent of your injuries. Such experts can also explain the devastating effects the injury has had on your ability to work. The bottom line is that a car accident attorney is connected to a range of supporting professionals who can create a body of facts that strengthen your claim.
If you have been injured in a car accident, you need not resign yourself to helplessness. You should call a car accident lawyer.
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I agree, insurance companies often strive to pay less money than the car accident victim deserves. Therefore its the best option to hire an experienced car accident lawyer to receive deserved compensation from the responsible party. BTW great article you have published, you elaborated everything very well. Keep up with such blogs.
Great Article. You are right about hiring an experienced legal professional. Letting a professional car accident attorney will not only save time and cost but will also help in brining favorable results in lawsuit.