Every day this month, I will be featuring an interview with a working mom just like you. It’s called A Day in the Life of a Working Mom.
We’ll learn about what she does for work, her family life, and….her tips/tricks for getting everything done.
Today’s featured Working Mom is Tanay!
Tell us about your family.
I live with my significant other and our son who will be one on october 23rd.
Where do you live?
We live in NYC
What do you do for a living?
Right now I work in a call center (torture) but I’m hoping to return back to school soon to complete my degree to become an Occupational Therapy Assistant.
How do you fit blogging into the mix (if it’s not your “day job”)?
I go with the flow. It doesn’t always fit into my everyday, but I’m trying to get better at juggling it all.
What is your typical day like?
Work.. home… baby. My SO works overnight so he watches RJ while I’m at work and once I’m home at 3:30 he goes to sleep pretty much as soon as I get home to get ready for the night.
What’s the best thing about being a working mom? What’s the hardest thing?
The best AND hardest thing are both the same. It’s nice to get away even for a little while and interact with other adults, but nothing is like being home with your baby. You feel quilty missing even the smallest moments.
Do you experience guilt associated with being a working mom?
Not so much guilt as a longing. I never feel bad about working because I know it’s necessary for our family, but I wish I could work from home or make money in a way that didn’t take time away from him.
How do you handle day to day responsibilities (meals, laundry, cleaning, chauffeuring kids, Dr. appointments, school meetings, etc.)?
Schedule schedule schedule. And by that I mean make a schedule for yourself. Because for me getting my son on an exact schedule up until recently was nearly an impossible feat!
What are your top 3 – 5 tips for keeping everything together?
- Schedule! LOL (see above)
- Don’t feel bad about not being able to do it all! No one wins an award for being a supermom. It’d be nice…. but it’s improbable.
- Enjoy every moment. Don’t let everyday life/chaos take away from the bigger picture. If everyone in your family is healthy/happy at the end of the day then you’ve won.
Guilty pleasures?
Uninterrupted showers! LOL. That’s definitely something only a mom would say. I never imagined myself saying that at 25 years old.
Is there anything else you’d like to add that you think would encourage other working moms?
Don’t give up! And don’t feel bad! You are amazing and the sacrifice you are making for your family is amazing! Working mamas all over the world can relate!
Where to find Tanay online:
Website – www.lifewithtanay.com
Facebook – http://facebook.com/
Instagram – http://instagram.com/
Twitter – http://twitter.com/
What was helpful that you can apply to your work mom life?
Let me know in the comments below. If you have an extra moment, head over to give that working mom some love!
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If YOU would like to be featured, send an email to raki at outsidetheboxmom dot com. If all of the October spots have been filled, I will feature your interview in a continued series.
[…] Day 7: A Day in the Life of a Working Mom of One in NYC (Tanay) […]