Going through a divorce can take an emotional and financial toll on a couple. Of course, divorce is a difficult situation. Yet, going through, for one, comes with a separate set of problems at the workplace.
Whether you’re an employer or an employee, there are chances that your job responsibilities might be a reason for your divorce. That being said, there are equal chances that your divorce can lead to reduced output at work.
Whatever be the case, it is necessary that rational thinking be put to use when dealing with divorce in the workplace.
Here are some possible ways you can tackle these situations.
Maintain Your Cool And Keep Things Separate
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that people often tend to lose their cool when faced with difficult life choices. Of course, divorce is one of them.
Your mood swings and stress from divorce proceedings can show up at your workplace. For example, you may unintentionally start discussing your divorce with your co-workers. Or you may end up sobbing about how difficult it is to deal with all the legal procedures and emotional distress.
Keep this in mind, nobody at your workplace is interested in your divorce. All they care about is their work. So, better keep it this way. Try not to discuss your personal affairs at work. This is also one of the fundamental principles of finding peace in difficult times.
Discuss Your Situation With Your Superior, If Needed
When you’re going through a divorce, it is obvious that you’ll need to cope up with the stressors. Meanwhile, possibly your work may also get affected with all the time that you’ll be spending with your attorney.
Needless to say, it would be a lot better if you could discuss your situation with your immediate manager. The chances are, they might have been involved or affected by your divorce in some capacity. While you’ll be missing out on work, you can assure your boss, that you’ll be doing everything in your power to cope up with the lost work time.
Now, your boss may either refuse to cooperate (which is very unlikely) or you may be considered for the while you sort out your divorce. Nevertheless, you’d still have an ear for your problems and a valid reason for reduced work efficiency. They’ll most likely understand that attorney schedules can be very rigid.
Consult With A Professional Divorce Coach
Navigating through the divorce is already distressing. Yet you can worsen your situation trying to handle it all yourself. In other words, you should seek some professional help from a divorce coach, aka divorce attorney.
A professional coach can help you overcome the anxieties and keep your nerves under control. Plus, they can also help you navigate through the legal procedures, effortlessly.
And when you have a professional to help you get past such a difficult life situation, you can tell them bluntly, seal my record, so that you can get back to work. After all, you wouldn’t want your divorce case to drag you from excelling in your future endeavors.
Try To Stay Regular And Avoid Absenteeism At Work
While talking to your manager may ease the situation for you at the workplace somewhat, it surely won’t be all that you need. Much of your divorce proceedings might not even need your presence. However, there can be times when you would need to take several leaves or be gone for a long time.
Particularly, messy divorce cases would need you to take frequent offs from your work. Of course, this would upset your colleagues and your reporting manager. It would therefore be wise to discuss this with your Tacoma divorce lawyers (or wherever it is you are) and devise a plan to mitigate absenteeism at work.
In case, taking leaves is completely unavoidable, you should ensure that your position is not marked vacant. For example, if a manager or a team leader is on leave for some time, their duties would be assigned to a reliable replacement meanwhile. Similarly, you can also ask your teammate to handle your responsibilities in your absence.
Empathize With Others Who Might Be Going Through Divorce
Divorce not only disturbs the couple but also the people around them. For this reason, even if you’re not the one going through a divorce, chances are someone at your work might be. And as a teammate, you should be supportive of them.
Whether you’re an employer or simply a manager, it is your moral duty to empathize with your coworkers, especially employees who are going through a rough patch in their personal life. For this reason, their personal problems would affect your entire team’s performance.
You can talk to them and tell them that by the time they get this sorted, they may be leniently judged. Or likewise, you can also refer to some good divorce attorneys to help them get through these difficult times. Additionally, you can offer them some time off from work, upfront. Believe me, it would only work in your favor in the end.
What Should Be Done?
While as an employer you have certain moral responsibilities for your employees; your employees also have some ethical duties towards your company. It is, indeed, a balancing act between the employer and the employee. Both parties need to understand that it is only in their interest to work out the divorce.
Of course, neither the person getting divorced nor the people around them would be able to work at their best. And it could either entirely be due to the divorce or partially. Nonetheless, the outcome would be devastating for both.
As the popular phrase goes, ‘this too shall pass’, you must hold onto your wits and stay calm. Making hasty decisions in professional life may leave you distressed for a lifetime. While, the divorce may only leave you sore for a couple of months or a few years, at max. The only wise thing to do is creating a balance by communicating the problem and discussing the solution.
More Divorce Advice
- 4 Ways Divorce Negatively Affect Women’s Life
- How to Guide Your Child Through a Divorce
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- Divorce Mediation: A More Civilized Alternative
- Going Through the Divorce Process: The Top Reasons Why You Need a Lawyer
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- Factors That Can Complicate Your Divorce
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