Sometimes no matter what you do, it seems you cannot master your finances. Spending can easily get out of control. Even if you have a budget.
Once you have budgeted for your monthly expenses, it may be hard to find even two pennies left over. If you are starting to feel a strain when it comes to your budget, it is time to start thinking outside the box.
There are plenty of creative things you can do to start saving money.
1. Shop Online Before You Go to the Store
When some people shop, they tend to pick up things they really don’t need. Buyer’s remorse is a real thing, and it doesn’t just happen with big purchases. However, if you regret even spending $20 a week, that adds up fast. There is a trick that can help curb your useless spending.
If you are going shopping in a physical store, search online first. Do your shopping online and then just take a look at your virtual cart. Are there things you don’t really need? Will you really wear those yellow cowboy boots? How about that hat, is it really your style? Remove the things you really don’t need. You can then note the items you really want to buy. Once in the store, you will be likely to stick to your pre-made list and avoid the temptation to buy things you really don’t need or want.
2. Try the Checkbook Trick
Rounding the amounts you deposit or spend from your checking account can help you to save quite a bit of money in the long term. To give it a shot, you should round down deposits and round up spending. So, if you deposit $178, record it as $175. If you spend $123, round it to $125. This can help to trick your mind into thinking you have less money than you do so you spend less. Just make sure to balance your checkbook using the real numbers so you don’t end up in a pinch.
3. Save Around the House
There are many hidden ways to save money right in your own home. Start with unplugging anything that is not in use. Even when turned off, electronics use some energy. You can really decrease your utility bills by simply unplugging things. The same is true for lights. Don’t leave lights on, especially porch lights, when they don’t need to be on.
Consider painting your roof white to reflect the sun and its heat. This can save you a lot in cooling bills. In addition, keep curtains closed on the sunny side of your house to prevent heat from getting in. In the winter, change to heavy drapes to stop drafts and use weather stripping on doors and windows to stop cold air leaks.
Lastly, save on water. Encourage less flushing. Instead, have people just put the lid down and flush only after a couple uses. Also, be sure to check out my post about How To Use Winter Energy Saving Tips To Save Money.
4. Ask for Savings
Something everyone has the ability to do but most people do not is to ask for savings from the companies you do business with. Cable, internet, phone, and even some utilities can help you cut your costs through offering you discounts and deals. You may even be able to change your subscription, package, or plan to reduce your spending without any negative effects.
Another area where big savings are possible is insurance. If you are dealing with a national insurance company, consider getting a quote from a local insurance company. They can often match or beat national prices easily. Even if they do just match, you will often be getting a better overall deal because you have a dedicated agent who is available to help you when you need it.
Cutting expenses and getting more cash flow in your household budget does not have to be hard. Sometimes all it takes is a few extra steps to save a bunch of money.
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