There are many reasons you may need to give your hair a break – dry hair, damaged hair, or lifestyle changes requiring minimal styling. Here’s an easy solution to yourself and your hair a break.
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That’s a picture from a few months ago of my daughter and me. Embracing our individuality, including the various hair types, textures, and lengths we possess, has not only allowed us to celebrate our unique identities but has also brought us closer together. Despite our differences, one common desire we all share is to promote healthy hair growth. This desire can be fulfilled by incorporating the use of natural mask for hair growth, which cater to our specific hair needs and nourish our locks in the most organic way possible. By embracing the power of natural ingredients and customizing our hair masks, we can foster healthier, stronger, and more vibrant hair growth, all while recognizing and cherishing the diverse beauty that brings us together.
My hair is coarse/thick, dry, with a medium curl pattern. My daughter’s hair is soft/thick, normal, with a tight curl pattern.
For African-American women, hair is a big part of our identity. Controlling our hair is controlling our life.
When everyone else’s hair is straight and doesn’t appear to pose maintenance challenges, it is easy to wish you had hair like theirs.
You don’t always want to have to go to the salon to have your hair loose-braided or cornrowed.
No matter what type of hair you have, chances are at some point in your life you’ve wanted to change it. Here’s how to love it again while taking a break!
There are options like these ponytail extensions from Divatress or other protective styles (like the one I’m wearing here).
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As a little girl, I didn’t wear my hair natural. My mom put a relaxer in it to make it straight and easier to style. I continued to maintain these routines as a teen, in high school, and as an adult.
I relax and sometimes color my hair. I normally prefer to wear my hair very short, so I have always been willing to take more risks with my hair, since it is cut every 4-6 weeks, removing any damage that might have been done.
Since having kids, I have taken advantage of how my hair grows during pregnancy and started wearing my hair in longer styles. Although I have dry skin (and therefore a dry scalp), I have always loved the thickness and body of my hair.
When your hair is happy, you are happy!
im a braid fan,but i never try even once..looks painful to me..