One of the biggest nightmares for parents is when their kid caught the cough or cold virus. As soon as they hear the first sneeze, they would immediately want to make their little one feel better. Some would head straight to the pharmacy to buy an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine to alleviate the symptoms. But medical experts advise against giving young children OTC drugs, especially if the child is only two-years-old or under.
If your young child suddenly caught the cold virus, you need to get a good nasal aspirator and follow these simple home remedies to get rid of the cold entirely.
A Tablespoon Of Honey
The research claimed that children aged two years and above diagnosed with upper respiratory tract infections healed after drinking up to 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) of honey before going to bed. According to the study, honey has the same effect as dextromethorphan, a frequent cough remedy ingredient.
But this remedy is not advisable if your child is under the age of 1 because of the risk of infant botulism. It is a rare but highly dangerous form of food poisoning.
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Saline Spray
Experts claim that using saline drops or mists can help ease the symptoms of colds. The salt component of these remedies can relax the mucus to make it easier for the child to release it from their nose.
If the child is still unable to clear it out on their own, you may use a nasal aspirator to extract the gunk from their nose correctly. For kids aged six and above, you can teach them to rinse using salt and water solution.
You may also help your child breathe better by having a humidifier in their room. It will come in handy primarily if the place uses an air conditioning unit.
With the help of the humidifier, you can maintain the moisture in the air. It is necessary to lessen the congestion and allow your child to breathe properly.
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More Rest
Children of all ages need to take a lot of rest whenever they have a cough or cold to fight the infection. Previous studies claim that stress can affect a person’s health, even in young children. So encourage your child to sleep as much as possible to help them get rid of the cold faster.
If you have an active young child, you can help them relax by reading a book, setting up a comfortable place to lie down or watch their favorite video together. They do not need to sleep all the time. You just have to lessen their strenuous activities to help their bodies recuperate.
More Fluids
When the kids have a cold, they need to remain hydrated all the time. This type of illness can make any child lethargic. But if they refuse to eat or drink, they will feel more tired and passive.
To rehydrate the kids, try to give them plenty of fluids in different forms. They can eat lots of soup or bottles of applesauce if they have no appetite to consume a proper meal.
They can also drink more liquids like fruit juices and water. If the child is still breastfeeding, you need to encourage them to latch more frequently than they usually do.
These are just a few of the home remedies that you can do to help your child recover from a cold. But if you notice that the ailment includes wheezing and they show signs of labored breathing, you need to take them to your trusted medical practitioner to see if the cold has come with other diseases.