Mother’s Day is the day we celebrate moms: our kids celebrate us, we celebrate our moms, and so on. There’s usually a mad dash of guys heading the store at the last minute to pick out a well-meaning, but un-needed gift that will either cost too much or get tossed aside on Monday. If you want to save your guys time and money, this is what they really need to know.
Here are 5 things moms REALLY want, but won’t ask for…
1. To Not Have to Cook Dinner
5 in a Fix: Simple dishes Dad, kids can make while Mom relaxes
Mother’s Day traditions will be plentiful this weekend, and for those of you who know me, you’re not shocked that I like to keep it simple. I prefer a day with a couple of hours of flower-bed planting (no complaining allowed), followed by a meal …
Make Mamma Happy With This Easy Omelette
Every day I prepare meals that will hopefully fill their stomachs and be the kind they enjoy. Just once a year, I would like someone to do the same for me. Now, my husband has many wonderful qualities, but his cooking abilities aren’t one of them.
2. Time Away from the Kids
No cooking or cleaning, on my own schedule, yet with opportunities to join other women and share experiences! Yes, indeed! I’d found my moms‘ camp. Happily, I was asked to participate as an instructor to lead my time–management workshops.
3. To Veg Out and Watch (Reality) TV
Special Activities For Mom On Mother’s Day
Allow Mom to relax after breakfast. She may like to watch TV, read or shower at her leisure. This is the perfect time to prepare the Mom coupons, or the kids’ presentation of the Mom coupons. Of course, her favorite flowers would complement this gift nicely.
4. A Nap
Giving My Wife the Gift of Time for Mother’s Day
I will corral the kids so my wife can enjoy these special gifts: Time to sleep – Number one on my wife’s wish list is a nap. She’s often tired from the early mornings and late nights and longs for a little extra sleep. A short nap will do her good
5. A Spa Day (or at least a massage or pedicure)
This year, give your mom a homemade spa day
This Mother’s Day, you can go the expected route and give the mama(s) in your life a generic gift certificate to a spa, or you can take a unique approach and teach her how to create a spa experience in her own home.
Traci Reazer, a holistic aesthetician at Whole Foods in Austin, Texas, gave me the lowdown on at-home spa-ing and shared one of her favorite recipes for a do-it-yourself beauty treatment — a luscious, stimulating scrub made with ingredients that already live in your kitchen cabinet.
Moms, what else would YOU add to the list?
BONUS: Here is my favorite Hallmark commercial, that summarizes what we really want need you to tell us.

The commercial brought tears to my eyes! Thanks for posting.
Thanks for stopping by. It was really heart-warming, when I saw it on tv. I wanted to end my sort of funny post on a real note.
I never understood why my mom always said she wanted a clean house for Mother’s Day. Now that I have 4 kids of my own, I totally get it.
A “day off” from the kids is all I really want. Although admittedly I’d like to get those a little more often than just once a year on Mother’s Day…
So true! Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday, and happy Mother’s Day! 🙂