This week’s best time saving tips for busy moms cover work-life balance,
what working moms say makes it all worth it, making time to rediscover mom and more:
New Study: Tough Times for Working Mom
What can working moms do to find a better work/life balance?
1. Go in with a game plan – The vast majority of working moms who have taken advantage of flexible work arrangements said it hasn’t negatively impacted their careers, so talk to your supervisor or HR department and explore options. It’s best to be prepared– come to that conversation with a game plan on how you can manage workload, cover responsibilities, etc.2. Keep an “I’m Fabulous” file – Keep track of all of your accomplishments within the organization, quantifying results whenever possible, and list out the additional responsibilities you have taken on in the last year. It helps you to build your case when negotiating for a better salary or consideration for promotion with your employer.
3. Get organized – Structure in your life will save you time, stress and mental energy. Keep one calendar for business and family commitments to avoid double booking. Set up a schedule for chores, homework, family activities and playtime.
4. Remember quality over quantity – Make the most of your personal time. When you’re home, it’s all about them. Wait until after the children go to bed before checking email or finishing up that presentation.
5. Schedule “Me Time” – Working moms need to take care of themselves too. Put actual time on the calendar for an hour or more of doing something you enjoy such as going to the gym, taking a walk, reading, etc.
… talk to almost any mother and she will tell you she has another hunch why working moms might just choose to opt out: Because working and being a mom is one of the toughest, and at times most guilt-ridden, balancing acts a woman could face.
We talked to five moms in five different lines of work to see how they do it. Here are their stories…
The phrase, “balancing motherhood” is tossed around a lot these days, but it can mean many things to many people. The word “balance” can refer to how we parent, how we organize our time, how we organize and schedule our kids time as well as how we juggle taking care of ourselves and our partners.
Rediscovering Myself: The Momma In Me
The fact that the person I had known as myself was gone scared me immensely: “Who is this screaming child robbing me of my sleep and my life?” and “Who am I and what is to become of me now?”
It felt as if everything I had known was gone and would never return.
My mother gave me some sage advice that kept me going. “It won’t be like this forever, Christina. She’s an infant. In a few years, she’ll be less dependent on you and you’ll get back some of what you feel you have lost. Those things are not gone forever.” I held onto the hope and belief that someday I would be me again.
Where do all the hours go? We fill our days with activities, commitments and caring for others and often – very often forget ourselves.
Making sure you get some breaks to do something nice for yourself is of utmost importance in order to be a happy, positive and well-balanced mom.
“The mother is and must be – whether she knows it or not – the greatest, strongest, and most lasting teacher her children have.” – Hannah Whitall Smith
Carving out some “you time” to refresh and relax away from caring for everyone else is the fuel that keeps us upbeat rather than beat up! It is our responsibility to nurture ourselves so we can be the best we can be – not only for our children, but for our husbands.
How do you keep it all together? Share your tips in the comments.
Photo Source: Flickr curiouskiwi
Posted by: Raki Wright
Jamee Tenzer says
These are fabulous tips for working moms. I love the comment that working moms say their kids make it all worthwhile. Isn’t that the truth?
Let’s celebrate the relationships we have with our children and also make sure to take care of ourselves along the way. The better we are, the more we have to give.
For more work – life balance and FUN, please see:
OutsideTheBoxMom says
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feedback. Will be sure to check out your tips as well.
Christina says
I’m glad you found some nugget of wisdom in my “Rediscovering Myself: The Momma in Me” piece. It really has been an ongoing journey of discovery, balance and rebalance, especially where work is concerned. The older my daughter gets, the more responsibility I feel I can take on in order to regain some of what was put on hold professionally. Christina @
OutsideTheBoxMom says
Your piece was great. Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like you have a great plan. Keep up the good work with your daughter. Be proud of yourself and be encouraged.