Losing skin elasticity with age is natural. When we are young, the level of collagen in our skin stays high. It keeps the skin young and tight. But the more we age, the more our skin gets exposed to different irritants which have a negative impact. As a result, our skin looks dull and unhealthy.
Thankfully, there are several ways to restore the elasticity of our skin even if we are old. All these methods are natural and do not have any side effects. So, if you want to get back your younger-looking skin, keep reading.
What do we mean by skin elasticity?
Before moving further, you need to understand the concept of skin elasticity. Getting old and losing skin elasticity is inevitable, but you can slow down the process. In simple terms, skin elasticity is the ability of your skin to come back to its original form after you stretch it.
The most relevant example will be when you stretch your eyelids to apply eyeliner, and it becomes normal when you are done. But, when our skin loses elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles appear. Moreover, your face looks saggy and shapeless.
How to restore skin elasticity?
If you are not sure how to gain back your skin’s elasticity, this article will be helpful. Here are a few great ways to enhance skin elasticity.
Keep your skin hydrated
If you want flawless skin, you have to keep it hydrated. When your skin gets dehydrated, it appears dull and lifeless. If you feel that your skin is getting thinner, be sure it is a sign of dehydration.
A great way you can keep your skin hydrated is by drinking a lot of water. It makes our skin fresher and plumper. So add a lot of hydrating products to your meals and make your skin healthier. Moreover, when you hydrate your skin, the oxygen level also increases.
Boost the amount of collagen
Collagen is the binding element of cells. It keeps them together and improves skin elasticity. When we are young, our body produces collagen naturally.
With age, the amount of collagen production decreases. So, we need collagen boosters from any outside source. Thus, you can get rid of loose skin and fine lines for a long time.
Use fillers
If you want to take medical help to increase your skin elasticity, you can use dermal fillers. These fillers are made of natural components and are injected into your skin. After the treatment, your skin will look fuller and tighter. But the effects stay for the next four to six months. Then you need another session.
If you want to opt for this treatment, you can visit Evolve med spa in Montclair, NJ. We bet you won’t regret your decision.
No sun exposure
The ultra violet rays of the sun are known to damage our skin drastically. It breaks collagen formation and speeds up the aging process. So, if you bring your skin in direct contact with the UV rays of the sun, in no time premature wrinkles and fine lines will appear.
Even if you are getting exposed to the sun, make sure that you are using sunscreen with good coverage. Avoiding sun exposure completely is impossible, but you can limit it to ensure healthy skin.
Use the best-quality skincare products
Top-quality skincare products can protect your skin’s elasticity. Always avoid products with a lot of chemical compounds. Those products actually make your skin more aged. Try to use organic and natural skincare products.
A lot of anti-aging products that are wrinkle removers are available in the market. So, choose the most suitable one.
Eat green vegetables
Green vegetables are great for our overall health. They keep our organs healthy and functional. The best thing about vegetables is that they are full of rich nutrients and fluids. Vegetables can meet our daily fluid needs.
So, it is another easy way to keep our skin hydrated. Add plenty of green vegetables to your meals and keep your skin fresh and in shape.
Use Retinol and Retinoids
Both of them are vitamin A derivatives. We can find these compounds in every anti-aging product. They help in the skin cell turnover process and boost collagen levels. As a result, we regain the elasticity of our skin.
Use Hyaluronic Acid
This acid is naturally produced in your body when you are young. But the production decreases as we get old. Hyaluronic acid can retain the water in our skin. When we lack this acid, our skin becomes saggy and dry.
So, you can use topical or oral Hyaluronic acid to retain your skin elasticity.
These are all the medical and non-medical ways to keep your skin tighter and younger. Aging is a natural process that has its own glory. Instead of fearing it, you should embrace it. But if you are facing some premature wrinkles and fine lines, visit your dermatologist to help retain the skin’s elasticity.
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