Are you looking for potty training tips from moms who have been there? What about expert advice from a potty training expert? I’ve got 10 potty training tips that are sure to work for you and your family.
If you’ve been a reader of this blog for any length of time, you know that I have two children: a son and a daughter. When I first became a mom in 2002 to my son, I thought I was ready for the ride that is motherhood.
Things went pretty smooth for some time. My son was a great sleeper (sleeping through the night for 12 hours at just a few months old), was a happy baby, and became the center of my world.
Fast forward to age three when we began potty training. Everything I thought I knew and my confidence as an “experienced” mom went out the window.
Moms want to find reliable advice to help their kids stay clean and build confidence through successful potty training. I’m here to suggest 10 potty training tips that will make this process faster, smoother, and more enjoyable for you and your family.
1. Start Potty Training at the Right Time
The first question that most people ask when considering when to start potty training is: “is my child going to give me signals that they are ready?”
While there are recommendations on the correct age to start potty training and plenty of resources to go for more information, the best place to start might be a potty training readiness quiz. This will let you exactly where things stand and provide a few reasons to hold off on potty training.
2. Start Potty Training the Right Way
First, you should determine the type of trainer you have (take this potty training personalities quiz.). This is based on their level of activity, the predictability of bodily functions, typical reactions, and other factors. This will help you determine how to introduce training pants. You also need to do lists, shopping lists, and basic information on potty training to get you started successfully.
3. Use Potty Training Incentives, Games, and Tools
Many experienced moms will tell you about implementing many reward ideas such as certificates, sticker charts, or prizes. You may also want to use the technology that’s available to us these days in the form of apps and games. These Potty Training Tips and Tricks are a great start.
4. Help Your Child Know When to Go
An important part of your child gaining independence and becoming successful in potty training is learning to recognize the urge to go. Again, you are likely to be more successful with this if you know your child and tips for each type of trainer (based on what you learned in step 1). Use this potty training personalities quiz.
5. Accept that Potty Training for Boys Might Be Harder
I believe what most people say, which is that girls are easier to potty train than boys. I feel pretty qualified to come to this conclusion since I’ve had experience with both. It’s helpful to consider what the experts say about this.
For example, do you know how training pants are designed for boys? They’re different than girls’ pants. You also may have to consider using a different type of sticker chart for them.
6. Be Thankful That Potty Training for Girls May Be Easier
I think that girls are easier to potty train than boys because girls seem to care more about being wet and feeling clean. Boys tend to get hyper-focused on playing and lose the sense of everything else going on around them. My daughter actually started earlier than my son and the process was easier and shorter.
The experts have a lot to say about potty training girls, the difference in how girls’ training pants are designed, and how to create a fun and feminine sticker chart for them.
7. Help Ease the Transition to Big Kid Underwear
There are many personalized tips available for each type of trainer – depending on the personality type of your child. To make the transition easier, you have to consider your child’s confidence level, how often he/she stays dry, his ability to adapt to routines, and willingness to go to the bathroom. This personalities quiz was very helpful.
8. Be Prepared for Potty Training Away from Home
I remember very clearly the first time my son stayed dry in the early stages of potty training. We lived in North Carolina and were making a trip back to my hometown in Virginia. We stopped about 1/2 way into the three hour trip for a potty break. He was dry!!!
I probably freaked him out and ultimately convinced him that his mom was CRA-ZY based on the way I screamed and ran around the car. I hope there were no onlookers. At this point, I don’t remember ever checking.
Again, it’s important to view your child as an individual and think about how you might need to tailor your plan for him or her. In order to experience success in potty training away from home, you’ll need a list of what to bring on your outing. These school readiness tips will also give you something to work toward.
9. Treat Night Time Potty Training Differently
Staying dry at night is definitely the second phase of potty training. This only makes sense because staying dry for a few hours is a lot easier on the bladder than staying dry for eight or more hours. You need the experience and reassurance of experts (and expert moms) to know what to reasonably expect during this time and when to worry (i.e. bed wetting vs. training).
10. Beware of Possible Potty Training Regression
Finally, it’s good to know ahead of time why accidents happen, when to take a break from potty training, and what to do if constipation becomes a problem.
In the end, you’ll need a plan that just plain works.
When it comes to potty training, there are several methods that often lead to all kinds of uncertainty. Will this work? Will that work? Will my kid ever learn how to use the bathroom?
Potty Training Tips That REALLY Work
Pull-Ups® has teamed up with the renowned child psychologist and potty training expert Dr. Heather Wittenberg to create a method that takes the guesswork out of potty training: the Pull-Ups® Potty Partnership – a whole new way to potty train. Together.
For a limited time, you can save $2.00 on Pull-Ups® Training Pants by visiting the digital coupons page to download the coupon, today!

To redeem DG Digital Coupons:
1. Sign up at Dollar General or visit the DG App.
2. Create account and load which Pull-Ups® Training Pants coupons you would like to use. Coupon valid: April 28th – May 19th, 2016
3. Visit your local Dollar General to redeem Dollar General Savings at checkout. Find a Dollar General near you by using the store locator.
Then, I bought Pull-Ups at Dollar General. Look how cute these designs are for girls and boys.
About Pull-Ups®
• Pull-Ups® Training Pants are designed specifically to help teach potty training skills. They look and fit more like underwear, giving your child the independence to slide his pants on and off, while also providing consistency for any learning style throughout his potty training journey.
• The stretchy sides allow toddlers to slide Pull-Ups® Training Pants on and off themselves, teaching valuable skills they can apply later when taking off their pants and underwear to use the potty.
• You may be tempted to use diapers while potty training because they’re more familiar to you, but resist the urge. Toddlers thrive on consistency and diapers don’t teach potty training skills like Pull-Ups® Training Pants do.
When it comes to potty training, its time to ease your “baby” into a very huge change. Sometimes you can be a little bit abrupt, and sometimes its better to take your time. You know well as I know, that its not very easy to potty train a child. Well…. help is here! Make your job was a parent much more easier with these 19 brilliant tips to make pottytraing so much easier. Yes!! You’ve read correctly: much more EASIER! Its time to say “good-bye” to those diapers and “hello” to the “potty”. Also, by potty training your child you will be saving a lot of money and lets be honest… its unhygienic! So, discover these 19 brilliant DIY potty training ideas and make your life much more easier! All 19 potty training brilliant tips here…pottytraingapp Enjoy!!!
Great post I have a five year old daughter who was a breeze to potty train and was out of nappies at two but I feel my son is going to be a different kettle of fish. At 20 months old he is showing no interest in the potty. I believe each child is different and will make it apparent when they are ready to make the transition from nappies to the potty. Thank you for sharing your tips 🙂
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These are all excellent tips; potty training can be such a stressful time, both for parents and children! Thanks for sharing with Merry Monday!
I potty trained my last child over 15 years ago but it can be such a tricky time it’s still pretty fresh in my mind!! Any tricks and tips for parents are a good thing, you never know what will work for your child.
With my youngest going without any underpants was the key (just fro a month or so) as soon as something was close against his skin he forgot, but with just his fairly loose jeans on , he was able to remember what he was doing.
Hey buddy, being grateful as you posted such a useful and informative post. Because it’s a great issue that its not very easy to potty train a child. These tips gonna work for sure. Thanks a lot for sharing your great thoughts. Keep posting, looking forward for more from you