Enter to win the Orkin “Mouse in a House” Game & #Giveaway.

About Orkin “Mouse in a House”
Fall has arrived, and cooler weather has come with it. Whether or not you know it, your warm house is an open invitation to unwanted guests looking for a cozy winter vacation: rodents. Each fall, rodents migrate from their outdoor “summer home” to the warmth, food and shelter of their “winter timeshare” – your house!
Being human has its perks, like having a cozy house to enjoy during the winter, but imagine having to survive as a mouse? Try your luck by playing “Mouse in a House” – a choose-your-own-adventure game that puts you in the shoes of a rodent looking to survive the upcoming harsh winter season – try your best to stay alive and see how long you last!
Orkin uses the latest technology and unparalleled training to develop an effective treatment that’s right for your home. To learn more about pest control grounded in science or to schedule an inspection, visit orkin.com or call 1-800-800-ORKIN®.
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Why you will LOVE Orkin’s #MouseInAHouse Blog App:
• Play the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure #MouseInAHouse Game to test your survival skills and see if you can survive the winter.
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•Play the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure #MouseInAHouse Game and comment with your result as a giveaway entry.
•Share your holiday rodent horror story as a giveaway entry.
• Tweet or Facebook Share directly from the app.
• Tweet using the #MouseInAHouse hashtag.
• Share the game with your Facebook friends and ask them to play the game and see if they can survive.
How to Win an Orkin “Mouse in a House” Game Prize Pack
*Enter to win an official Orkin #MouseInAHouse Cozy Fleece Winter Blanket (4’x6′).
This promotion is open until November 18, 2014 at 11:59 pm EST and is limited to US residents, 18 years or older. The winner will be chosen randomly. Winner must respond to email within 24 hours or prize may be forfeited. Promotional content and prize for this promotion is provided by and shipped by Orkin and/or its representatives. The prize will be sent via FedEx or UPS. No P.O. Boxes please. Each household is only eligible to win Two (2) Orkin #MouseInAHouse Cozy Fleece Winter Blankets via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.
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Actually I have a horror story but can;t recall what insect it was–something like locusts? When I was younger my parents took my sister and I to Kennesaw Battleground in Georgia. I recall not wanting to get out of the car due to bugs that were flying around.
I lasted the whole summer;)
You had to eat your own tail, and even that didn’t last long.
I would make a good mouse!
I don’t recall ahving a “holiday” rodent horror story, but I do know that when it gets cold they do start trying to come in the house.We have 3 cats and in the winter it is not unusual to wake up in the mornings and have found a “treat” the cats have proudly left for us to see!
haven’t had any to share
your rodent family lasted the whole winter.
I unfortunately went quickly when I should have gone quietly.
After a winter of camp being closed my family and I were excited to go up memorial day weekend to reopen camp. After a long day of cleaning I couldn’t wait to start the grill. Seconds after I started the grill 2 mice came running fast from inside the grill. I guess I started their house on fire.
My results were – YOU MADE IT !
your rodent family lasted the whole winter.
You made it, your rodent family lasted the whole winter.
I don’t really have one but anytime I see a mouse, dead or alive, it’s a horror story.
I played the game and survived the winter
My results:
You made it! Your rodent family lasted the entire winter!
My horror story is that when we lived in our old house we discovered that we had a whole mice family & we caught 6 mice in two nights! They creep me out!
I survived the whole winter hooray!
I made it through!
I survived the winter!
I don’t have a Holiday story, but a rodent horror story would be mouse poop on the counter or in food!
It said “your rodent family lasted the whole winter”.
I didn’t make it past the first two questions.
I saw a bad fight happen at my ex’s relatives house with his dad.
I didn’t make it 🙁 Hey I tried!!
My rodent horror story isn’t of an actual rodent, but it’s definitely a vermin. We had made all of the traditional potato salads and deviled eggs and of course sprinkled some paprika on top. About halfway through our meal and after eating some potato salad and a deviled egg, I noticed something horrible wrong with the paprika. It was MOVING!! Somehow tiny little bugs had gotten into the paprika sprinkler and had been dyed red from being in it. They were perfectly camoflauged!! I had to tell everybody to stop eating. It was absolutely mortifying!!
I made it through the whole season! I guess I’d make a good mouse! haha Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
A couple of winters ago, we had a raccoon living in the roof of the house we were renting. We’d here it wake up in the middle of the night. We lost a lot of sleep and my poor son who was 2 at the time would get scared at the banging noises above him! Our landlord had someone come out to trap the raccoon. 3 raccoons later, we’re not sure we ever caught the right one! Not sure if the same one evaded being trapped or if as soon as we trapped one, another one went in. We didn’t want to seal up where they were getting in until we were sure the raccoon was out! Glad we moved into our new house last year and didn’t have to deal with that any more!!
I died when choosing wires and insulation to make a nest.
I don’t really have any rodent stories, but I did once open a bag and see a mouse.
Lasted the whole summer
My family of rodents made it through the season.
My rodent horror story was when we were redoing our kitchen and were taking out the cabinets. We were taking everything out of the cabinets and in the very back of one of the cabinets was a mouse that had died a long time ago.
I survived the whole winter
I survived the winter.
My mouse family and I would make it through the entire winter.
I had a mouse chew through a box of brownie mix….I guess they like brownies.
I made it and lasted the whole winter!
We had a mouse in the house we couldn’t catch and he got into Christmas candy!
I lasted all winter!
Oh man. We had mice ONE TIME and that was enough to never want it to happen again!!!!! YUCK!
i made it all winter
My rodent family made it through the winter.
my results were that i made it all winter
I survived the winter!
Ive never had a rodent problem…thank goodness!!!!
WOKE up and on the 4th of July we had a field mouse in the house eating our corn on the cob! we have soy bean field out back and he got in somehow we just released him back thats all the problem
I survived the winter.
I survived the whole winter hooray!
My rodent family lasted the whole winter!
After playing the game, my mouse family survived the winter.
Once our family was dining in a restaurant and our 2 year old son saw a mouse scurry across the dining room floor. He happily exclaimed: “Look! A mouse!” We never ate at that restaurant again!
Results: My family and I made it all winter.
Left some holiday hershey kisses in a bag in the closet from Christmas and a little chocolate loving mouse chewed the bag and the candy wrapper to get to the chocolate….Lots of mess to clean up.
I made it! My family survived the whole winter! Yay! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
I had a mouse in my house but it was not around the holiday. I was really freaked out. It came in the kitchen. I had to go to sleep somewhere else. Eek! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
My family survived the whole winter
I had a mouse in my house that climbed on the back of a chair when company was sitting in it. We screamed, it jumped, and so did the guest.
One time we had a cockroach infestation!
My family survived the winter!
your rodent family lasted the whole winter.
My rodent horror story was just last year. We had found the box that had my great-grandmother’s nativity in it. We were excited to see it and it was given to me. Well, the pieces were made of a kind of plaster…which a family of mice had decided tasted wonderful. They chewed on every piece..except Jesus. They also peed on everything and the whole set stunk. There was no saving the barn. So, I carefully washed the pieces..crumbly little pieces..to get rid of the smell. And I asked a friend that is amazing at painting miniatures to help. He did an amazing job. The last couple pieces were beyond his help..but I grabbed a package of sharpie markers and colored the worst spots. It now smells like paint and was set up last year. Just perfect!!!
I didn’t make it – the food questions did me in each time! The fist questions, then I tried again and my scamper was too loud and I was caught again!!
My Rodent Family lasted the whole winter
Didn’t make it…I should stay a human it seems. My mice family would starve.
Our Christmas boxes are up in the attic which has no room to stand up -just a crawl space. I was up there getting some ornaments and there was a dead mouse…which to me is just as scary as a live one and I couldn’t get down the ladder fast enough.
I make the most awesome mouse. I made it through the winter! 🙂
I’m fortunate, no rodent story for me but… My best friends cat left a live mouse on her pillow while she was sleeping on it. Twice. She totally freaked…
My results were:
YOU MADE IT marnie!
your rodent family lasted the whole winter.
You may make a great mouse, but remember:
you’re a human. If you see a mouse in YOUR house,
call The Orkin Man right away.
My holiday horror rodent story happen one Christmas. A mouse chewed his way into a Christmas present and died. When my Niece opened the Christmas present she found a dead mouse. My pour Niece has never gotten over the dead mouse and to this day she has someone help her open her presents. I wish we could take that Christmas back or at least the mouse!
my rodent family survived
Thankfully i have never had a rodent horror story
I survived through the winter
I woke up one morning and found a dead mouse in the living room. Cats must have gotten him.
I survived the winter, thanks!
I survived the winter.
your rodent family lasted the whole winter.
I survived the winter, but I have to deal with mice where I live so I know how they think
My family lasted all winter. I dont have a rat horror story. Thank God! Thank you for the chance 🙂
I’m sorry I don’t really have a holiday rodent story to tell. We always keep traps out and don’t get many inside anymore.
Brady Quinn is the sharpest analyst of the four listed even including Meyer. Quinn is truly a quick study as a play unfolds and notes things that are predictors of its’ outcome. Unlike the rest, he’s also good at seeing precursors of plays as well as ‘counters’. Anytime he has been either in an interview or a play-by-play he brings the viewer to understand the game far better.coc gems