When we were in elementary school, we often cursed the authors of our Math books. All the x,y,z led us to our frustration with a question of its usability in real life.
However, growing up, we have realized the wrong in it. Math is everywhere and we cannot spend a second of the day without using it. Yes, you heard it right. It is that important. In fact, to our surprise, a study from 2017 showed that only 33% of eighth-graders were good with math!
As we grew up, we realized that life is mathematical, too. Hence, we started brushing up our math skills. Here are some ways in which math is helpful and important.
Keep a track of your Finances
The entire world of finance survives on the operational workability of mathematics. If there was not a quantitative approach to life, we would still be stuck in the stone age pretending to be barbarians. Hence, knowledge of finance came from the use of math.
Simply put, it is the answer to the question of how much would the store manager repay you if you spent $2.48 and gave him three $1 bills. The entire workflow of savings, investments, expenses, and all other things work on the general principles of mathematics!
Are you attracted to Fancy Sales?
If the answer is yes, how would you know that a product is on a discount at your favorite store if you didn’t know math? Yes, math is in our shopping carts too and it will be there for a long time. The currency notes, itself, mention digits to ascertain their value as the value can only be ascertained via math.
Math has an unusual appeal to it
Have you ever been in a dilemma of deciding what to do? We have all been there, right? However, there are certain people who have glided through life as if they have never done anything wrong and all their decisions are correct.
This is because math helps us to be great analytical thinkers and guides us to show extreme potential during our problem-solving skills. Math has always helped us to stay sharp and focused, and this, in turn, helps us to be great problem solvers.
Have you tried cooking or brewing with math?
We all have done it, yet, we didn’t realize it consciously that we have been in touch with math all this while. Math helps us with the most important thing while coming to these two activities – Proportion.
If you are making pancakes for breakfast and instead of a handful of sugar, you put 20 spoonfuls of sugar, it is no longer breakfast, it is more like a kid craving for candy and settling for pancakes. Making sure of the right proportions is a gift of math to mankind. And, if you want to teach your children math, you can even use practical application math resources such as these unique Menu Math books to illustrate how math is present in everyday activities. These books offer real-life scenarios that showcase mathematical concepts in action, making learning engaging and relatable for young learners.
How long did you sleep last night?
You can never answer this question if you do not know math. Hence, that amazing Rolex watch, which tells time, well it is also based on math. Hence, before flaunting that watch all the time, think about the math, which has been involved in the making, too.
The Human Calculator
How often have your friends called a person the human calculator because he/she is always thorough with calculations and helped them out of tough situations? Endless times, right? Well, such is the case for you too, if you’re a math lover.
People always love to have a person in the group, who’d be amazing with math. Imagine corrective calculations at every dinner date and outings, along with swift negotiations and good counter-offers to every bargain. You see how maths gives you the liberty to enjoy.
Endless Work Opportunities
Basic elementary math has helped a lot of people land good opportunities to work. It is because there is a simple saying, basic maths is all about common sense.
Engaging a certified maths tutor online can lead you to a deeper understanding and improved problem-solving skills. These can open the door to multiple opportunities in everyday life.
From being the cashier in a food joint to the Chief Financial Officer in a multinational corporation, math is meant to take you places, provided you spend an ample amount of time cultivating it as a science.
In conclusion
There are a lot more reasons why math is important in life, like, standing out from the regular people, having a sharp brain, good at bargaining, etc. However, in spite of all this, we have always tended to ignore maths.
But now, if you don’t want your friends to call you dumb, at least not anymore, pick up that elementary math book or you can opt online math course and prepare yourself, again!
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