A baby shower is a great way to celebrate the arrival of a new member of the family. It can also present an excellent chance to touch base with your friends, family, and other parents upon whose support you can learn in the coming months.
Getting a baby shower right shouldn’t be stressful. It’s just a matter of planning and preparation. Let’s take a look at how you might ensure that your baby shower goes off without a hitch.
Selecting a Time and Place
First, you’ll need to set a date and time that’s convenient for everyone. Weekends tend to be preferable, for obvious reasons. You’ll also need to settle on a location. Most mothers-to-be will prefer to have their baby shower at home, especially if they’re really heavily pregnant. On that note, we should caution against leaving things too late: as you approach the end of the third trimester, you might lack the energy for social activities.
Decide on a Theme
If you want your baby shower to be truly memorable, and to stand out from all the others, then why not plan it around a central theme. Once you’ve done this, you may find that all the other decisions you need to make will simply fall into position. From the decorations to the invitations to the food you serve, everything will come from the theme. Pick something that’s near and dear to your heart.
Send the Invitations
If you’re going to be sending out real, physical invitations, then you can be sure of a better turnout than if you’d just stuck to social media and WhatsApp. Your invitations should let everyone know when they’re expected to show up, and what they’re expected to bring (if anything). If there’s a dress code, you might also outline that, too.
What’s on the agenda?
If you want to make your baby shower distinct from any other kind of party, then you should plan a few games and activities to make it so. Go for something that’s exciting without being strenuous. Paintballing and dodgeball are probably not suitable.
What if I’m the guest?
If you’ve been invited to a baby shower, then you should observe basic etiquette. Turn up to the event at the right time, while wearing the right clothes. You should also try to bring a gift. This might be a toy, or an item of clothing. Bamboo baby pyjamas are a great, sustainable option for an environmentally-conscious age. If you’re in doubt, it’s usually better to just ask the parents what they’d like – or even just write them a cheque. If you know that they’ve already got more stuff than they really need, then you might make a generous donation on their behalf to an effective charity.
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