Whether you are a grown-up or a child, getting paint on your clothes is very common, and getting it off your clothes can be on the utmost dilemma. Some people prefer to paint the walls of their home with a fresh layer of paint in their own hands. But this often leads to having the paint on your hands and clothes, if you are not cautious about it.
Therefore, for the benefit of many, some tried and tested ways or techniques and useful tips for removing paint stains from clothes is discussed in this article. However, there are some mistakes that you should avoid during painting.
Mistakes to avoid while painting:
Painting might seem like quite an easy task, while actually it can turn out to be quite messy if you don’t make sure to avoid these mistakes while painting:
- Don’t forget to use the painter’s tape.
- Clean the walls before painting.
- Buy an adequate amount of paint.
- Don’t use the wrong brush for wall painting.
- Don’t use the wrong paint.
- Don’t skip the primer.
- Give time before putting on the second coat.
How can one take off water-based paint from clothes?
In case you have got wall paint on your clothes while you were painting the walls of your bedroom, the higher probabilities are that this paint is water-based. Very common water-based paint acrylic craft paint, poster paint, and latex paint. If you have got any of these on your clothes and are facing difficulties to remove them, then follow the following steps to remove it from the clothing.
- Firstly, you are advised to scrape away the wet paint. Then you have to warm some water and run the stain under it.
- Secondly, you have the add laundry detergent or dish soap to the section of the clothing with the stain on it and use a soft brush to scrub on it.
- The third step is to wash and iron the cloth as you naturally would.
- The above method is to be repeated if you observe that the stain is not yet completely removed.
- Finally, if you notice that a certain amount of paint is still smeared on the cloth, then you must not put it in the dryer. This is because the stain will be set by the heat.
How one can get rid of oil-based paint from clothes?
Now, removing oil-based paint is tougher, and might even seem impossible if you are not difficult with preventing the paint to get dried up on your cloth. You must remember never to use water in the process of removing oil-based paint. Proceed to read the steps.
- You can use a dull knife to scrape off the wet paint.
- Then a small paint thinner has to be used to make a clean rag moist. Then the stain is to be blotted.
- The third step is to use paint thinner for continuous blotting until the stain completely disappears. Note that you must move to the cleaner areas of the cloth while you are working.
- After you have successfully removed the paint, you have to rinse the portion of the cloth and apply spot treatment once again with laundry detergent or with dish soap.
- Finally, wash and iron the cloth, and as per requirement, redo the spot treatment.
Final Thought
Remember the above tricks and put on clothes that you plan on disposing of soon. These are some of the ways of removing paint from clothing. It can easily be done at home. All you have to do is grab a dull knife and attentively scrape the paint without causing any damage to the cloth. Having said all that, prevention is always better than cure. Happy Painting!
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