There may come a time, whether due to the weather outside, political climate, or even a lack of money, where you have to spend more time within your home.
Depending on your job, home resources, and spaces for privacy, this can either be a blessing or a curse.
Some people may use this opportunity to spend more time with their children as there are many activities and things to do with kids, while also strengthening their attachment and bond with one another. Also, being at home does not need to be boring. By getting a little creative with the ways in which you can entertain yourselves, you can learn to love the days you stay in, and appreciate them more when things return to normal.
Find Out Your Fortunes
Finding out what the future may have in store for you all can be a fun way to pass the time, and allow you to make some goals for the upcoming months. Using an online means of contacting a medium, such as on this site, can allow you to have your reading from the comfort of your own home. You can also ask more specific questions, in regard to subjects such as your finances, how your son will do in his next exam, or how your daughter might do at her next track meet. While the answers may not be exact, you can use them to motivate yourselves within your daily lives.
Have a Movie Session
Many families enjoy watching movies or television series together. You could incorporate this into your day at home. Getting your comfiest pajamas, a few movies that everyone can have fun with, and some delicious snacks, can be the basis of an epic home movie session. You could also watch actual home movies that show them their parents before they were born, or even them when they were younger.
Having a relaxing day without any pressure can also be a wonderful way to allow everyone to decompress from the usual stresses and jobs of life, and make the most of some quality time.
Make an Assault Course
If your children enjoy being out and about, engaging in physical activity, then you may be able to recreate this within the home. Using string, tape, or other items commonly found in the household, you could set up an assault course or even an area for a little workout session.
For children that enjoy role play, you can then take this a step further, using red tape or cord to create a series of laser beams that your budding spy kid must navigate their way through to reach a treasure at the end. Parents can also get in on the fun, so that it truly becomes a game for the whole family to play.
While staying at home may not have been what you all wanted for the day, that doesn’t mean that you are stuck with bored children and frustrated parents. Instead, it can be used as a means to gain time together and try some new fun things.
More Advice for Parents:
5 Activities To Keep Kids Busy During Quarantine