One thing that we all know for a fact is that whether you are breastfeeding your baby or supplementing with formula, a healthy fed baby is a happy baby. Which only means that as parents, we are delighted as well. With that being said, if your little one starts showing signs of a cow’s milk protein intolerance or sensitivity, selecting the correct baby formula can feel overwhelming and frustrating, especially when facing this for the first time as a parent.
Thankfully, goat’s milk baby formulas are on the rise as an alternative option to offer your little one instead of cow’s milk baby formula. They are considered a healthy choice for some parents facing the same challenge of searching for a baby formula that best suits their little one when facing cow’s milk intolerances or sensitivities.
Is there a difference between Cow and Goat Milk?
Although cow’s milk baby formula is more frequently typical, goat’s formula is an excellent alternative to cow milk baby formula. It can be beneficial to your little one in many ways. As parents, we are always in search of the best to provide for our little ones.
So now the big question is, how is goat’s milk different from cow’s milk baby formula? You’ll come to the surprise that they are pretty similar in many aspects, but slightly different in some areas. If your baby is encountering minor feeding issues with cow’s milk formula, it might be worth trying goat milk formula as an alternative— and the reasons as to why that might be.
Difference #1: Flavor
The first noticeable difference between the two is that goat’s milk baby formula has a more robust flavor than cow’s milk baby formula. Especially if you are considering switching your little one from cow milk to goat milk formula, it may take a little while before your little one adjusts to the new taste, which is entirely normal and nothing to worry about.
Goat milk is naturally homogenized, meaning that goat’s milk consistency is smooth and doesn’t necessarily need to undergo the homogenization process to achieve a smooth consistency. Typically, cow’s milk has to undergo homogenization so that the fat does not separate and float to the top of the milk to achieve a smooth consistency.
Difference #2: Composition of vitamins and minerals
Additionally, both cow and goat milk baby formula are highly nutritious and can be beneficial to your little one, especially in the early developmental stages. Both types of baby formula contain proteins, carbohydrates (lactose), fats, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for your little one.
Having a different detailed look at both, they do differ in composition. Goat milk baby formula contains more calcium, potassium, and vitamin A. In comparison, cow milk baby formula contains more vitamin B12, selenium, and folic acid.
Both baby formulas are then fortified to have the complete nutrition balance according to your little one’s age in order to mimic as closely to the composition of breastmilk.
Difference #3: Composition of fat
As for the fat content, cow and goat milk baby formulas are similar as well. Goat milk tends to be easier to digest and gentler on the tummy. It contains smaller fat globules and looser curd than cow milk; therefore, it can be broken down quickly in the digestive system. This texture of goat’s milk results in making it gentler and easier for digestion in your little one’s tummy.
Goat’s milk baby formula also has more medium-chain fatty acid than cow’s milk. The body more rapidly absorbs medium-chain fatty acids than long-chain fatty acids, found in higher numbers in cow’s milk.
Difference #4: Composition of Milk Protein
Furthermore, goat and cow milk formulas contain two main types of milk protein: whey and casein. Caseins are conjugated proteins that are commonly found in mammalian milk. In addition to the whey protein, the casein in cow’s milk can at times trigger allergic reactions, especially in newborns.
Goat’s milk contains a smaller amount of casein and whey protein, making it easier on your baby’s belly and less likely to create an adverse reaction. Additionally, the proteins in goat’s milk curds degrade faster than those in cow’s milk, making it more tolerable for your little one.
Another thing to keep in mind is that while goat’s milk might be lower in whey protein and specific caseins than cow’s milk, organic baby formula manufacturers will adjust the ingredients to make sure it’s as close to mimicking breast milk.
Difference #5: Amount of Lactose
Both goat’s and cow’s milk contain a naturally occurring sugar called lactose, which is present in breastmilk and other types of milk. It is the main carbohydrate found in both cow and goat’s milk. Lactose is also present in both goat milk and cow milk formula; the difference is that goat milk formulas contain less lactose. Sometimes babies feel bloated or have gas and similar digestive problems when consuming cow’s milk because of lactose, contrary to goat’s milk.
Cow’s milk contains more lactose, and that’s why it tends to cause those issues with little ones. However, every baby is different and unique. So just because goat milk formula contains less lactose, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your little one will have a good reaction to it, but there are high possibilities that they will.
Benefits offered by Goat Milk
Goat milk has many benefits that it could offer your little one. For starters, goat milk contains plenty of potassium; potassium plays an essential role in blood pressure regulation, promoting a healthy heart. Selenium is also included in goat’s milk, a nutrient that boosts one’s immunity; this is something to consider since a child’s immunity isn’t developed until five years of age. Newborns and toddlers alike have a higher risk of developing infections.
Goat’s milk is an excellent source of calcium as well, as it also provides an amino acid called tryptophan which helps strengthen the bones. All in all, goat milk is an excellent alternative to cow’s milk if you are in search of one, especially when dealing with a little one with sensitivities and digestive issues. Goat’s milk baby formula might just be your answer.
Goat’s milk formula offers as many essential benefits as cow’s milk formulas do while maintaining enough differences to make it a healthy choice for your little one and offering an alternative to cow’s milk formula if needed. This is definitely an excellent option to consider if your little one is undergoing digestive issues with cow’s milk formulas. Goat’s milk should be easier on your little one’s tummy without missing out on all the nutritional benefits they require to grow and thrive in every developmental stage of their early life.
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