Make no mistake, learning to code is not essential for a child. It is not like learning to swim or learning to ride a bike. Some people take to coding at an early age, and some take to it later in life.
The starting age doesn’t matter. We often find it impressive when a tiny kiddie can play the piano perfectly, or play chess, or code games, but as adults, they are rarely any different than the kids and teens who started later in life. Still, it is worth checking out to see if your child enjoys online coding for kids because it has its benefits.. Here are eight reasons why your children should find websites that help learn programming for kids.
1 – It helps develop problem-solving skills
There are huge elements of coding that rely on problem-solving, and the weird thing is that it is probably solving on such a frequent occasion that you don’t even realize you are doing it. You are just slotting one piece of the puzzle into the other, piece by piece.
2 – It is fun and addictive
For some people, coding is fun and addictive. If you don’t have fun doing it, then this profession is not for you. If you do enjoy it, then you can get lost in it for hours. Show them what it is all about, and if they embrace it, then one day they may grow to love it.
3 – It is something else to add to your kid’s CV
Being able to add a programming language or two to a CV is never a bad thing. It may have no bearing on your kid’s career at all. Who needs a race car driver with programming skills? Nevertheless, it is something positive to add.
4 – They can join the online community and become good people
There is a toxic subset of coders within the Apple community, though it is a lot better now since the Apple app marketplace is no longer the biggest app marketplace. Besides this minority of toxic people, the online coding and programming community is the most altruistic and outright good people on the planet.
That is no exaggeration. Complete strangers will help new and advanced coders with their problems, and coders will help others back. They will take hours out of their day to help other people without even the promise of a thank you, and the sheer quality of open source programs these days is a testament to this kindness. If your child becomes a member of a positive, forward-thinking online community, then it is only a good thing. Your child may one day be inadvertently fixing a coding problem for a stranger that ends up saving the world.
5 – The coding skills are partially transferable
People who learn how to code in C++ may have an easier time coding in HTML than somebody who has never coded before. Somebody who understands the principles of coding through their JavaScript learning may have an easier time learning and understanding CSS.
6 – They may grow to love it as adults
Let’s say your kid learns coding, but quickly becomes bored or tired of it. Programming becomes yet another forgotten hobby. However, that baseline understanding of coding may mean that when your child grows up and is reintroduced to coding, he or she may more quickly grow to love it.
7 – It has the potential to improve math skills
People with strong math skills, especially strong logic skills, will often find coding a little easier. On the other hand, people who learn coding often see their math skills improve a little simply because they are being exposed to coding over and over again while they are coding.
8 – It has an element of being future proof
There is no guarantee that coding or any sort of programming is future-proof, but it is more future-proof than being a comic book writer or a standup comedian. The transferable side of coding may help your kids when they are adults and the new version of AI ranching or 4D coding has replaced current coding methods.
Want to get your son or daughter started? Check out this guide for the top online kids coding classes.
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