If you are struggling to decide whether you need the assistance of a child custody lawyer, we have listed seven scenarios below where the expertise of a professional custody lawyer is invaluable.
Your Ex Has Hired A Lawyer
If your ex has already hired a private child custody lawyer, then you must seriously think about hiring one to represent you as well. If you are not sure if you can afford one, you can try finding legal aid near you. You do not want the case to go in your ex’s favor just because he had an attorney and you did not.
The Case Has Become More Complex
In some instances, the case might have started out rather simple but has become increasingly complex as you went along. For instance, you’ve realized your ex has changed his mind about sharing custody with you and you have an inkling that he might persuade the court that you are not fit to have the children with you overnight. Such complications necessitate the assistance of experienced custody attorneys like Wilkey & Wilson, P.S.C.
The Case Has Crossed Jurisdictions
If your ex and yourself do not live in the same state or country, then we highly recommend that you hire an attorney to handle your case. You must still do everything you can to learn more about the custody laws that are applicable to your case, particularly if it is international.
You Fear That Your Kids Are In Danger
The risk of losing a child custody case comes at a high price if you fear your children’s’ safety is in jeopardy. Besides that, if you suspect at any point that your kids are in immediate peril, you must dial 911 immediately. In such a scenario, you must think about obtaining a restraining order too. If you fear the repercussions of such an action, share this with your attorney. A situation like this necessitates the expertise of qualified legal representation.
Your Ex Is Doing Anything In His Power To Stop You From Seeing Your Children
If your ex is constantly limiting your contact with your kids, canceling unexpectedly, and disallowing visits, you should think about hiring a lawyer to assist you. Such actions can be a good indication that you need the aid of an experienced and well-qualified attorney to represent you.
The Court Is Ordering You To Attend Treatment Or Take Classes
If the court orders you to take anger management classes, join alcohol or drug testing, or take parental classes, then you are already at a disadvantage. In this case, you must hire a child custody attorney. The only exception that would apply is when both parents are ordered to do the above as a conventional part of child custody proceedings. While not a usual occurrence, some jurisdictions do necessitate some form of parental education for every child custody case.
The Circumstances Of The Case Have Changed Enormously
If your ex’s or your circumstances have changed substantially, then it’s necessary to contact a child custody attorney to take on your case. For instance, if either of you is getting married, relocating, or moving in with a new partner, then it’s recommended to hire a lawyer instead of representing yourself.
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