A significant part of the population worldwide consumes a whole lot of chicken in various forms, whether roasted or fried.
Chicken is used in the most basic of meals such as soups and salads as well as in making presentable and delicious dishes such as used in making a stew, butter chicken, or even pot pies and wraps.
There are many ways to cook chicken. You can even use an instant pot to do that. Eating chicken provides us with some of the best health benefits and high in nutritional value. The following are the reasons its consumers prefer it so much over other meals.
1. Source of protein
An essential constituent for the constant development of our muscles is a proper supply of protein. Protein helps us to keep our strength parallel to what is required at all times and also serves as a good source of instant energy.
Chicken is high in protein and low in carbohydrate, which makes it a perfect food for dieters. It’s also one of the most popular choice of meat for those who follow a low-carb ketogenic diet. There are many keto chicken recipes you can try online.
2. Keeps bones healthy
Along with the weight loss that chicken helps its consumer with, it also ensures a mature growth of bones in the body. Additionally to protein, chicken carries an abundance of other nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus that corroborate effectively in the maturation of bones and the entire body. Moreover, studies have also suggested that having chicken regularly may protect one from succumbing to the disease arthritis.
3. Acts as stress–reliever
Chicken carries various nutrients, which also help in reducing the stress levels of the body. Such two vitamins are Vitamin B5 and tryptophan; these are known to have a real calming effect on the body, which is why people opt for a good meal including chicken after having to go through a distressing day. To add to this, chicken is also a surplus on the supply of magnesium, which is known for relieving women of their PMS symptoms.
4. Immediate immunity boost
It is not rare knowledge that chicken soup carries nutrients that help one rid themselves of ordinary flu, cold, and other trivial problems one might have while breathing. Several studies have been conducted evaluating this bringing it to our collective knowledge that consuming chicken soup rids one of throat congestion and clears the nasal cavities. It is also noted that chicken carries nutrients in itself, which are known to bring instant immunity to the system.
5. Good for the heart
Chicken is a significant source of Vitamin B6, which helps the consumer lower the risk of heart attacks and other diseases that could pose a direct threat to the circulatory system. A common factor and danger to the majority of the heart and respiratory diseases is a high level of cholesterol, which is controlled by the nutrient that chicken carries within itself, niacin. In rare cases, this nutrient has also defended the body against the cells of cancer to take a fatal course of action.
Popular chicken meal ideas
Chicken is certainly not a rare dish in the households due to its splendid flavor and the various benefits it carries. This is one such food item that is heavily used in different cuisines across the globe and end up providing it with an exotic flavor with a sweet, aromatic smell.
From classic dishes like roasted chicken, rotisserie chicken to chicken pot pies and regional recipes like chicken Chettinad, this dish has never failed to present a mouth-watering meal, some of the ideas those are easy to cook and try at home are:
- Creamy chicken stew
- Mauritian chicken curry
- Oregano Chicken
- Chicken casserole
- Poached chicken breast
This is why I so love chicken dishes so much! I’m going to share this to my wife as well. I’m sure she’s going to like this. Thank you so much for sharing!