Life is incredibly fast-paced in this new century. Between work, family, household chores and social responsibilities getting a few minutes alone each day can be challenging.
Throw cell phones, the internet and other distractions into the mix, and the idea can even seem impossible. However, many studies show the benefits of having downtime. Here are some ways to spend that time for yourself.
Read a Book
Ideally, experts say you should rest and do nothing for at least one hour per day. Look at your schedule and determine where you can squeeze it in, or if perhaps you can weed something else out.
Many people suffer from being unnecessarily busy and could stand to remove less pleasant or productive activities from their day. Sometimes, this might even mean hiring someone else to do a job you hate, such as mowing the lawn or cleaning the house.
But it can be worth it if doing so means you have the extra time to catch up on the newspaper or read the latest mystery novel. People who read books are shown to use language more fluently – so you might be killing two birds with one stone.
RELATED: 20 Best Books for Working Moms
Listen to Music
Music is one of life’s great pleasures. Many people love music, but when was the last time you focused on it? If you can’t recall, then it’s probably been too long.
Take some time by yourself or with a loved one, light the candles or incense, and put on a fantastic album that brings a smile to your face. Whatever genre is your passion, be it jazz, classical, rock or pop, science has proven that listening to music can keep your brain healthy, calm your nerves, and reduce pain.
RELATED: 4 Great Movies That Bring Music to Life
Sit in Nature
Modern urban living can take us far from nature, especially living in a city or a planned development with few trees and small yards. Yet there are massive benefits to reconnecting with our roots via parks, forests, and undeveloped wildlands.
Studies have shown that spending as little as fifteen minutes in greenery causes people to begin to feel psychologically restored. Spending an hour in a natural setting, especially if you can take your shoes off and walk on grass, can recharge your whole body.
RELATED: Organizing Your Backyard
If you’ve been feeling drained and unfocused, perhaps you are suffering from a nature deficit.
Hopefully, now you have some ideas about how to grab a slice of time for yourself, and how to spend it doing something pleasurable. Be determined, make it a habit, and enjoy the benefits for a lifetime.
More Tips:
5 Fun Ways to Socialize With Other Moms
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