Working moms can pull off a fun, safe, and easy Halloween. Find out how to get out of the office and the best places to go for your best Halloween ever.
There are a few weeks until Halloween, which is on a Monday this year. The sunset here on the East Coast is at about 6:45 pm. Most events begin around 5:30 pm and end around 8 pm. And, it typically rains here in Virginia on Halloween. So, we definitely look for events free from the elements.
1. Decorate Your Home
Decorating for Halloween can be a fun family event. This year, my seven-year-old daughter and I decorated the windows with clings (after cleaning the windows). Then, we placed a few decorations, along with a family size pumpkin and a small pumpkin she picked, on our front porch. In years past, my 14-year-old son and I have done this together. If you’re looking to add a unique and macabre touch to your Halloween decoration, consider incorporating a collection of human anatomy decor, as these pieces can create an eerie and educational atmosphere that both children and adults will find captivating. From skeletal figures to anatomical models, you can display a range of anatomical elements that bring a sense of intrigue and curiosity to your Halloween setup.
2. Carve a Pumpkin
My husband is usually in charge of all Jack-o-lantern making. I am not artsy-crafty at all. Also, his aunt often has all of the younger kids in the family (under age 10) over for a Halloween pumpkin carving social. She supplies small pumpkins for the kids to carve, a flashlight with batteries, and a snack during the festivities.
3. Watch Halloween Movies
Get a head start on the Halloween festivities on Sunday night and watch spooky movies & shows Oct 19- 31 on ABC Family. Or, rent another fun Halloween classic.
Read my post from last year on Halloween Costume Ideas for Less.
4. Get out of the office on time
Plan to leave the office a little early to arrive at the beginning of events and get the kids home and in bed on time. It is especially efficient if you don’t live far from your office or if your spouse (or other friend / family member) can transport the kids from home, in costumes, and meet you at the event.
5. Have a Quick & Easy Dinner
Tonight would be good to have a quick sandwich or other portable meal with some snacky fruits/vegetables and a juicebox in the car.
6. Be Safe
We don’t trick or treat in our neighborhood because our street is about 5miles long. So, I did a little research for trick or treating hosted by local malls or “Trunk or Treat” events (or other Fall Festivals) sponsored by local churches.
The mall is ideal for trick or treating and provides a safer experience, since it is held inside, away from the elements and away from traffic. Trunk or Treat events are usually packed with features including candy giveaways, concessions, games, rides, socializing, and safety (because they are held in parking lots, away from traffic).
Both events are free to the public. Team up with your extended family or another family to make it even more fun for the kids (and parents).
7. Take Pictures
Don’t forget to take pictures of the kids posing in their costumes, candid photos of each child individually, and group photos. See tips from Darren Rowse (of on Halloween Photography Tips or Melissa Culbertson (of on The Secret to Great Photos.
What other tips do you have for making Halloween fun?
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