Intimacy in marriage is key. It’s the glue that will keep you together. In this post, I’m sharing 10 tips on creating intimacy in your relationship.
They say that the #1 cause of divorce is money disagreements. The #2 cause is differences in sexual intimacy. In marriage, this is meant to be a need that is only met by your spouse. But, what if your spouse isn’t meeting that need?
Sexual intimacy is about sharing the most special part of yourself with another person. It’s giving them a part of yourself that no one else gets. It’s knowing that the other person is always there for you unconditionally, as you are for them.
Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?
The relationship between money and sex in a relationship is more connected and complicated than you might realize. Couples who were raised with different beliefs about money may not be able to decide how to use money together. Then, if each person attempts live financially independently, that cause rifts in their relationship, too.
Here’s what I’ve learned in my relationship.
1. Communication – Your spouse should one of if not your best FRIEND. There should be nothing you can’t share with him. If you feel you can’t, that’s an issue in itself that you should discuss. Do you feel judged when you’re completely honest? A lack of support? Embarrassed? Discuss all of that. Maybe there’s a misunderstanding that can easily be cleared up.
2. Spending time together – I’ll explain it to you in two words: date night. Putting your relationship with your spouse first is a smart investment in your marriage. Date nights keep it fun. I need time away from the kids to recharge and remember those carefree days I had BC (Before Children). I know many couples who have been married for 15 years or more. Some say their secret is putting each other first.
3. Flirt like you used to – Switch things up. How did you show your guy you were interested when you first got together? Did you smile, wink, brush up against him, show up in places you knew he would be? Do all of those things now, too. I’m sure he still likes them. Send him a text that says ‘I have a surprise for you tonight.’
4. Communicate about money – Discuss your monthly expenses, income, assets, and liabilities.
5. Have a joint venture/partnership – Don’t make financial decisions by yourself. Agree on an amount that you both feel comfortable with the other person spending without discussion. Then, let the other person know that it was spent. If there are larger or more serious amounts that need to be spent, discuss it before it’s spent.
6. Honesty – Don’t hide income or expenses from each other. If you don’t feel like you can be honest about it, chances are you know that it’s not a good decision. Even if it seems to be a good decision, you should still discuss this.
7. Necessity – This is one of the most important parts of a marriage. If marriage is intended to be a lifelong commitment and you are to be the sole source of that pleasure for your spouse.
8. Compromise – I talked to my husband about this and asked him for a man’s perspective. He said the key is COMPROMISE. If one person wants it everyday and the other person wants it every week, a compromise would be both people agreeing to a few times a week.
9. Enjoy it – Don’t look at it like a chore or a necessary evil. It’s meant to be enjoyed by both parties. Experiment and experiment some more until you both find out what you really like.
10. Spice it up – Are you stuck in the same bedroom routine? Same places? Same positions? Same day and time? Your love life should not be as predictable as the 6 o’clock news!
Shake it up! There are also other things that can help, like Fiera®.
What is Fiera?
• Fiera is not a sex toy. It is not designed for orgasm. Women and couples seek out Fiera for the emotional benefit (intimacy/ closer connection) that it offers.
• Fiera® is scientifically proven to enhance physical arousal and increase interest in sex.
How does Fiera work?
• Fiera is for “Before-Play.” It’s used for a few minutes prior to sex and then removed when she feels interested and physically aroused, and ready for a pleasurable sexual experience with her partner. Simply remove it when you feel warmed-up and in the mood. Fiera’s unique combination of gentle suction and stimulation increases the sensations of tingling and fullness that accompany sexual arousal.
• This product is not intended to treat a medical condition. Fiera is for all normal, healthy women whose level of interest in sex or physical arousal isn’t what it once was, and they want more
Why Fiera?
• While Fiera is created for all women who wish they had more interest or a better physical arousal response, post-menopausal women report particularly strong results with the product, since they are experiencing hormonal changes that can impact their enjoyment of sex.
• Fiera was created with couples in mind. Together you’ll enjoy stronger intimacy and a revitalized sex life.
Want to try Fiera to help you keep the spark alive?
1. Purchase a Fiera on Amazon for a limited time discounted price!
2. Sign up for the Fiera’s Relationship Refresh Newsletter to receive tips with ideas easily done to re-spark your relationship/boost intimacy again.
How to Win a Fiera
Thanks to the folks at Fiera, I am giving one away to my readers! All you have to do is sign up for the Relationship Refresh tips and comment with something you’ve learned from Fiera. That’s it! I am so excited to be able to spark the conversation! Click here to sign up for the Relationship Refresh newsletter.
This promotion is open until April 14, 2016 at 11:59 pm EST and is limited to US residents, 18 years or older. The winner will be chosen randomly. Winner must respond to email within 24 hours or prize may be forfeited. Promotional content and prize for this promotion is provided by and shipped by Fierra and/or its representatives. The prize may be sent via FedEx or UPS. No P.O. Boxes please.
Make sure we show our partners we care. Listen and communicate about their concerns!
I learned that it is both necessary and possible to “re-spark” the intimacy!
The 10 day program can help put the spark back into the relationship!
I like that this isn’t being sold as a “Sex toy” and more as a relationship enhancer. I like that it protects the sanctity of marriage 🙂
I learned that you can absolutely “re-spark” intimacy in a relationship!
i learned that A loving touch—even just a hand on your sweetie’s back as you pass them prepping dinner—is a reminder that you care, as well as a suggestion that you can’t keep your hands off them.
I learned that after 4 weeks of using Fiera, 83% of women said they enjoy engaging in sex.
Praise is very important. We need to not only give it but receive it as well!
I learned that this product is meant to strengthen the intimate relationship of couples. It is particulary useful for menopausal women.
I signed up and I learned that praise is important in a relationship to keep things healthy and moving!
I’ve learned I am not, by any means, unusual for not being quite as….ready to be intimate as I used to be!
Complimenting and praising your partner IS really important. It goes a long way.
I learned that you can “re-spark” intimacy in a relationship.
I learned that it’s possible to re-spark intimacy together
I learned that its the small things we do each and everyday that are better for a relationship than just huge demonstrations of love (even though we all love those)
I checked out their blog amazing all sorts of great article to help if you need some advise on your intimate sexual issues but not to sure where to turn to they also have an amazing arouse to help you get into the mood as they called the before play… is small quiet and discreet..and you can recharge it that’s amazing…And, this little device will help women in their post menopausal stage…It has 4 sensitivity levels that is amazing..This company specializes in women’s sexual health and wellness…They even offer how to videos to help you better understand this amazing device…They even have a blog that you can discuss issues with others that may have the same question or issue…
I signed up and i learned that it has 4 sensitivity levels
I did not even know anything like this existed. I think this is such a cool tool! It could be a major help in my marriage.
I’ve never heard of this before but my husband and I desperately need it to rekindle intimacy. I love that the Fiera is designed to increase intimacy and isn’t just another vibrator. Thanks for doing this article and I can’t wait to receive your emails!
Good tips. I love the part about communication — it’s so important for a marriage! And money can be such a sore issue!
The company name is Nuella and they are committed to creating products that a specifically for women.
I learned a recent study indicates that the enthusiasm with which we react to one another’s good news is a key component of a positive and lasting relationship.
i learned some ways to get out of the “rut”
10 day program can put spark back into relationship!
i learned that Completing the 10 day program will help you and your partner re-spark your intimate connection
I learned that communication is key for any relationship.
Scheduling sex can actually be a good way to get out of a slump.
I learned that it’s scientifically proven to help enhance a woman’s interest in sex.
I learned that this and other “relationship enhancers” can enhance really up the level in the relationship.
I learned that Fiera is not a toy, but a device to help enhance the mood and offer benefits on an emotional level.
What I learned from Fiera is that they have a Scientific Advisory Board. Thanks for the giveaway!
I learned that there’s such a thing as a sexual enhancer!
I learned that the Tips are designed to be doable within the hectic demands of our livese
I learned that FINALLY women’s arousal and readiness are important and being acknowledged! Thank you!
I really liked the note of to focus on the small things!
I learned that you can re-spark intimacy in your relationship.
Roses, chocolate, champagne…we love all the trappings of love and the romantic rituals. But this year we’re thinking about how to reinforce the small stuff that helps keep the spark alive in our relationships.
I learned that Fiera is scientifically proven to enhance physical arousal and increase interest in sex.
I love that this is not a sex toy but a telationship enhancer!