Accidents can be profoundly unsettling and immensely traumatizing to experience. The intense experience rattles you from head to toe. The rush of adrenaline, sharp jolts to the body at the time of impact, and the fear that turns into shock enveloping you in the aftermath are no better. An accident’s emotional, physical, and mental stress tends to linger.
An alarming observation was that despite lesser road traffic in 2020, there were more car accidents. According to the National Safety Council, an additional 4.8 million Americans were severely injured due to automobile collisions that year.
Injuries like broken bones and fractured limbs are challenging to deal with. There is no denying that the pain you are going through is excruciating, but you don’t have to fight on your own. Numerous healthcare professionals and holistic caregivers are there to look after you. All you need to do is lean on them for support. No matter what treatment route, from getting your posture adjusted to opting for surgery, each option will facilitate healing so you can get on your feet in no time. To make sure you make a steady recovery, here’s what you need to do:
- Get Invasive and Non-Invasive Treatment
Following an accident, you may be sporting several different kinds of injuries. These injuries include broken ribs, concussions, fractures, and flesh wounds. Fractures and gashes cannot heal independently and need a medical professional to run scans, prescribe medication, and perform the necessary treatment.
Your physician may need to set the bone, wheel you in for surgery, or administer stitches. At the same time, your musculoskeletal may need attention too. You may suffer from whiplash and inflammation and need adjustments in your spine. The only effective car or auto injury treatment for these contusions is manually manipulating your body to minimize the pain. Professionals like chiropractors know the anatomy of your bones and spine to administer the proper treatment and adjustment.
However, before you go to any specialist for help, mention the injuries, the medication you are using, and if you are seeing more than one professional for treatment.
- Monitor Your Symptoms
Specific injuries like head trauma don’t appear right away. You may also feel extremely sore and experience water retention the following morning after your accident. If you don’t feel right, you must take note of your symptoms and rush to the ER if they worsen. Stiffness, dull pain, throbbing, and aches are expected, and they may settle with a few sessions of icing. But, if you get a sudden episode of dizziness, lose consciousness, get nauseous, experience memory loss, and feel your ears ring, you may be dealing with head trauma.
Ignoring these warning signs is dangerous and can lead to seizures, fainting spells, and internal bleeding. You need to seek a doctor to get an MRI, blood tests, and EEG to determine the extent of your wounds. What may seem like a small bump could indicate a far more harmful condition underneath.
- Don’t Skip Appointments
Checking in and out of the hospital with multiple injuries is not easy, but you must stay on top of your health to recover quickly. Don’t miss out on any follow-up; make sure you cooperate with your doctor to get new lab tests and scans for evaluation. For any medication your doctor prescribes, ensure you take it for the specified duration without missing a pill.
It would be best to ask your doctor about lifestyle adjustments you need to make to feel better. These can include the type of exercises you need to do, the diet you should maintain, and how to care for your wounded limbs. Even if you think you’re improving, you must adhere to your doctor’s orders and not miss out on a crucial appointment.
- Go Easy on Yourself
Injuries can often confine you to one location in your house, which is frustrating. If you’re used to being on the move and handling numerous tasks at one time, you may feel agitated about staying in bed all day. However, you must give yourself and your body a break and allow it to heal. When you sustain severe wounds, you need your body to rest as much as possible. This relief allows your muscles and metabolic rate to slow down, which promotes better circulation and tissue regeneration.
If you overexert yourself during this delicate time, there is a chance you may cause your health to deteriorate further. Therefore, it’s best to pull back from the bustle of living and focus on getting better. You may want to take time off from work, hire a housekeeper to look after your home, and sleep as much as possible without feeling guilty about staying in bed. Anytime you get mentally stressed and anxious about the collision you experienced, reach out to a therapist or a counselor to seek mental relief and heal the trauma. Coping with trauma is an essential part of recovery.
- Eat Healthy and Drink Plenty
It would help if you had a well-balanced meal to prevent your body from becoming lethargic and facilitate the process of healing. A good diet ensures adequate tissue regeneration and gives your body the energy to repair itself.
Avoid processed food and fast food items while on bed rest. These carry empty calories and not enough nutrition to benefit you. A sudden increase in your weight can cause strain on your wounds which can get in the way of your well-being. Depending on what is healthy for you, go for meals that are easy to digest and light to eat.
You also need to drink plenty of water to reduce muscle soreness. Water is the primary medium through which nutrients and minerals go through your body. It maintains your temperature and cultivates an ideal internal environment for your cells to function. So try avoiding sugary juices, indulging in caffeine and carbonated drinks, and sticking to water.
Final Thoughts
Accidents are traumatizing and can lead to severe injuries and wounds that take time to heal. If you have experienced a collision, you must give your body time to heal. This recovery is best achieved by getting treated for internal and external injuries with the help of medical professionals and holistic caregivers. As a result, your muscles and tissues slowly get back into shape, reducing pain and allowing you to move freely. While recovering, monitor your condition and check into the ER when you experience unusual symptoms.
Additionally, don’t miss out on all the mandatory follow-ups you need, which are essential to improve your health. Collisions take a massive toll on you, so allow yourself the space to rest and seek help without qualms. You also need to fix your diet and ensure you’re sufficiently hydrated as you get back on track.
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