Features include Peppermint Tree Toppers, Mustard Maple Glazed Roast Turkey w/Homemade Gravy, 20 Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas for Christmas, Tips to Avoid Working Mom Burnout During the Holidays, Cozy Christmas Living Room Tour, Candy Cane Heart Pops, Sugar Cookie Puppy Chow, and a DIY Felt Santa Ornament.

Thanks to eight hosts, your links will be shown to thousands of readers looking for new recipes, ways to be a better mom, and fun crafts to do with their kids.
Last week, over 375 links were shared at Motivation Monday. That’s pretty amazing.
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Follow the Motivation Monday Hosts:
Mitzi of Written Reality
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Katie of Mom Favorites
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Candi of A Day in Candiland
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Lauren of Mom Home Guide
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Raki of Outside the Box Mom
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Crystal of Sharing Life’s Moments
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Jen of Making Our Life Matter
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Aida of Girlfriends with Goals
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Peppermint Tree Toppers | A Thoughtful Place
Mustard Maple Glazed Roast Turkey w/Homemade Gravy | Cooking in Stilettos
20 Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas for Christmas | Hey Fitzy
Tips to Avoid Working Mom Burnout During the Holidays | Making Our Life Matter
Cozy Christmas Living Room Tour | Bless’er House
Candy Cane Heart Pops |She Saved
Sugar Cookie Puppy Chow | This Mama Loves
DIY Felt Santa Ornament | A Cultivated Nest
Motivation Monday Link Up
Linking up also gives me permission to add you to the Motivation Monday email list. You’ll be one of the first to know about new Motivation Monday posts! If you’d like to opt out of this, just unsubscribe from the list. By submitting a link to this party, you are giving Written Reality, Mom Favorites, A Day in Candiland, Mom Home Guide, Outside the Box Mom, Sharing Life’s Moments, Making Our Life Matter permission to feature your post on their blogs and/or social media platforms and utilize your post images.
Thank you for featuring my candy cane heart pops this week!
Thank you for featuring my puppy chow recipe this week!
Thank you for hosting this week! Merry Christmas!
Loving the party and all the ideas featured this week! Thanks!
Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Thank you for featuring my gift wrap roundup. Just what I will be doing this week as I get ready for the holiday!
Happy holidays!