From our youth onward our bedrooms have provided a kind of personal sanctuary, the one place in the home you could call your own, where you could choose what to hang on the walls, and do your heavy thinking surrounded by the personal possessions that most inspired your unique self.
As adults we are able to move our creativity beyond the confines of our bedroom, claiming an entire house or apartment as our domain, and imprinting our brand upon the furnishings and items of every room.
Even so, our bedrooms still provide us with the ultimate sense of personal privacy and security, the place we go to sleep safely without disturbance, and in many cases it’s still where we do our heavy thinking. It’s a very important room and one that we should endeavour to make as pleasant and personalised as possible.
If your bedroom feels a bit dull and uninspiring, then it’s time to take action! You can get started by replacing that peeling old blah-coloured paint with some fresh new premium wallpaper for bedrooms that will be a reflection of your inmost self, and inspire your creativity and personal insights about the world outside that door!
Wallpaper gives you thousands of more options for self-expression than paint does, there is a multitude of patterns and colours, even wall-sized murals depicting scenes both realistic and fantastic, whatever suits your fancy! Remember, just because it’s called ‘wallpaper’, it’s not confined to the walls, you can cover your ceilings and doors with it as well!
Once the wallpaper is up, it’s time to add some carefully chosen wall hangings to the mix. If you have a favourite artist or subject, you can probably find a print that matches your tastes and will feed your thoughts as you lie in bed thinking, or inspire your dreams as you drift off to sleep.
Speaking of sleep, what about your bed? If the mattress is old and lumpy just like your pillow is, and your bedclothes have grown a bit thin and threadbare, it’s definitely time for an upgrade.
It might be that your frame is still suitable, but how about slapping a fresh coat of paint on it to match your other new decor? Attractive new sheets, blankets and pillows are a must. After all, you spend 8 hours (more or less) of your day there, shouldn’t it look and feel great?
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