The demands of a job are incredibly stressful and tiring. Around 76 percent of the US workforce is tired after a day at work; many of them have also fallen asleep on the job. With that in mind, it might be difficult to even think about taking on a second job, but it might be a better idea than you think. Your own personal situation will dictate whether getting a second job is the right option for you, but you should definitely give it some thought at least. Here are 7 second jobs you can do from home.
- Professional bettor
It’s perfectly possible to turn a betting hobby into a career. You’ll need several personality traits in order to do so: you’ll need to be dedicated, realistic about your expectations, and sitting on a decent amount of capital to start with. If you’ve got all of those things under your belt, then a career in online gambling could well be for you. It’s an unparalleled feeling of excitement when you finally make a break and win big; the feeling is definitely worth a few stumbles along the way.
If this is your chosen avenue, it’s worth looking into good places to do your betting. After all, you don’t want to fritter money away on a lacklustre or unscrupulous betting site. If you want to know where you can get started in this career venture, then click here. Online betting is a challenging career, but it can be extremely rewarding.
- Blogger
Starting a blog in 2019 is easier than it’s ever been. All you really need is a domain name, a central topic, and a degree of expertise in that topic. What differentiates the top bloggers from the also-rans is not necessarily content, but approach. If you’re savvy in marketing yourself, regular in your content updates, and willing to reach out to network with other bloggers, then this could be the avenue for you. Blogging is relatively time-light, but you’ll get rewards both financially and emotionally.
Of course, if you do want to blog, then you probably need to have a good grasp of the language and be a fairly accomplished writer. The demands of writing fiction are significantly different to those of writing non-fiction, so before you start your blog, it might pay to get a little practice in.
- Social media manager
Do you consider yourself to be good with people? Are you already active on social media and looking for an outlet to devote all of your energy to? If you answered yes to those questions, then remote social media management might be for you. As you might expect, remote social media managers oversee the social media feeds of brands and companies without actually needing to be present at those companies’ headquarters. This is perfect for marketing types who want to work from home.
You’ll need a decent understanding of all the major social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and (to a lesser extent) LinkedIn. Managing your brand’s profile on those services is key to creating an engaging, personable identity for them that will drive sales.
- Bartending
You may scoff, but bartending can actually be a lucrative and socially rewarding second job. It’s worth mentioning here that bartending isn’t for everyone; if your day job is demanding and requires you to focus throughout the day, then bartending will likely only wipe you out at the end of a long and difficult shift. If, however, you find yourself at a loose end when your workday ends, then bartending could be the solution to that problem.
To be a bartender, you’ll need a strong set of social skills, a knowledge of mixology, and a lot of patience. Customers can sometimes be a little rowdy, and it’s your job to calm them down while not rising to the bait yourself. If you’re outgoing, hard-working, and enjoy socialising, then bartending could be for you.
- Performer
Making extra cash as a performer – be it a musician, an actor, or a comedian – is hard. There are ways to do it, but just like with other second jobs, it pays to be dedicated and committed. If you don’t love being a performer, you’ll find fierce competition from plenty who do and who want to succeed just as badly as you do. If you have a deep-seated love of an art form, though, why not pursue it as a second career? It could be the best decision you ever made.
When you pursue music or art as a second career, you don’t have the same financial pressures and worries as those for whom it’s a primary job. You’re free to focus on expressing yourself as only you know how. The hours can sometimes be late and money isn’t always forthcoming, but the fun factor more than makes up for this.
- Tutoring
There are few things more rewarding than teaching. The spark of recognition in a student’s eyes as they comprehend something you’ve been trying to teach them simply has no equal. Tutoring is a fairly easy job to do as a second career, because you can often choose the hours you work and the students you take. If you’re an online tutor, this goes double; you can set up your own tutoring business in whatever subject you’d like and watch the students come to you.
Naturally, tutoring comes with its own set of prerequisite skills. You’ll have to be an adept communicator; you can’t teach people if you don’t have the ability to talk to them, after all. Another aspect of teaching that goes underrated by many is learning; you’ll be constantly learning on the job, so being a good learner is important.
- E-commerce
Have a great idea for a business? It might be time to turn that business into an e-commerce venture. No matter where your particular talents might lie, there’s bound to be a place for you in the world of e-commerce. Creative endeavours, craft items, and accessories for smartphones are all excellent places to start. Before long, you’ll have an e-commerce empire, and you won’t even need to devote a huge amount of time to running it.
In order to get your e-commerce venture started, you’ll need to do a couple of things. You’ll need to understand what your niche is first and how to market to them. Once you’ve done this, set up your store and start attracting customers. Social media campaigns and Google ads are good ways to begin with this.
[…] 7 Second Jobs You Can Do From Home […]