Since every individual goes through personal struggles in their lives, everyone will eventually be faced with an incident that could profoundly impact them and their family.
Sometimes a personal struggle will come from a specific set of circumstances. Other times it might be something that times into a lifelong struggle. Either way, it’s essential to realize how these struggles can impact your family. Here are a few examples you might face or have faced in the past.
When a family member is arrested, it can create a major strain on a relationship. An incarcerated person may not be there for birthdays, anniversaries, or special events, which can emotionally impact those around them. It will be especially tough on children, who might be too young to understand everything going on.
In addition to the emotional toll incarceration may have, financial needs may arise as well. An incarcerated individual will need money sent directly to their account to help with daily living expenses such as toiletries and other personal items that cannot be mailed into jail.
Drug Addiction
An addiction to drugs can be a very serious matter that can cause many problems for both the person with the addiction and their family. Drug addictions have been known to tear families apart, making it difficult for people who have no choice but to watch someone they love destroy themselves.
Drug addiction is a great example of how an issue one goes through impacts family members differently. For instance, if a parent with a drug addiction is unable to provide emotional support and stability for their children, it could lead them to feel neglected or resentful towards their parents.
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If a family member is going through the process of transitioning from one gender to another, friends and relatives will likely suffer a period of self-doubt due to what this means for their relationship with the transitioning person.
Furthermore, during these times, transitioning people often experience a lack of motivation to complete daily tasks. This can have a negative impact on the relationships they already had and cause more strain within the family.
Death of a family member
Losing a family member can be one of the most life-altering circumstances someone could ever go through. When someone loses someone close to them, they often experience feelings of grief that can trigger memories of other loved ones who have passed away.
Everyone deals with loss in their own way, but it is difficult to see how it affects those around you who are hurting because your pain becomes their pain. For instance, if you lose a parent, your siblings may feel helpless or guilty about not spending more time with them, making any relationships strained at best.
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When a couple gets divorced, everyone is affected in some way. For example, if you have children with your spouse, then it’s likely that they will be going through some sort of resentment or guilt because they feel as though their parents’ divorce is their fault.
In addition to this, a divorcing couple may not share the same view on co-parenting, creating an even bigger divide between family members.
RELATED: How to Accept Divorce You Didn’t Want and Move On
Health issues/Disability
One of the most challenging things someone could go through in life is dealing with debilitating health issues or having a disability that prevents them from doing daily tasks that require little effort, such as walking up stairs or brushing teeth.
When people are disabled like this, they often find themselves reliant upon others for basic needs, which can lead to resentment or feelings of guilt because they are unable to do things for themselves. On the other hand, friends and family members who are forced to take care of them may feel overwhelmed because it takes time away from their own responsibilities.
And let’s not forget the part where they have to handle the financial stress as well. In that case, having a social security lawyer can be of significant help. They will guide throughout the entire process to ensure that one can get maximum social security benefits.
The examples listed above are just some of the struggles someone in a family could face. Whether you’re struggling with your own health, finances, or personal relationships, it’s important to remember that these challenges will affect those around you too.
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If you need help coping with any of these problems, then reach out for support from friends and family members who may be willing to listen or give advice on how they’ve dealt with similar situations in their life.