The body clock, or as it is also known as, the circadian rhythm of the body is essential to a proper sleep-wake cycle. Let’s take a look at how to fix it.
Throughout the course of the day, the internal body clock that you have rotates between both sleep and also wakefulness. This is known as the circadian rhythm of the body and it is responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycles that we do have.
This internal clock is located in the part of the brain that is known as the hypothalamus. This part of the brain responds to external stimuli that tells your body when it is time to go to sleep.
Many times, the circadian rhythm of your body gets skewed because of some reasons including the following: working in night shifts, jet lag, moving across different time zones, and also any all-nighters that you may pull. It is therefore fortunate that there are things that can be done in order to improve the situation. Let us take a look at a few of the things that can be done in order to better regulate your body clock.
Eat Early
Your body clock responds quite quickly to the eating habits that you develop. If you have dinner very late at night, it may delay the onset of sleep. It is recommended that you eat the last meal of the day at least three hours before you go to bed. This is because this three hour time period gives the body time to digest the food properly. Also, if you eat your dinner at the same time every day, your body will get used to a routine and will be primed to go to sleep when required.
It is important to note that what you eat also matters to a great extent. Food that is high in fat and is also heavy, takes a long time to digest. This has the potential to greatly disrupt your sleeping routine. If you are feeling hungry late at night, try eating a very small snack instead of something really heavy. The best foods that induce sleep are a combination of both carbs and also protein, for example, toast made out of wheat and almond butter.
Make it a point to avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or any energy drinks. Coffee and these drinks are all stimulants and they take literally hours to ween off. So if you are to consume caffeine, make sure that you do it no later than mid-afternoon. Alcohol should also be avoided before going to bed. While alcohol really does have the potential to make you feel drowsy, in reality, it also disrupts the circadian rhythm of your body which in turn makes it very difficult to get a good night’s sleep.
Keep it regular
In order to fix the sleeping schedule that you do have, it really helps if you actually make a schedule for going to sleep every night. Choose a time that is ideal for you to go to bed and also choose one for waking up. Make sure that you stick to these times literally every day, even on off days and weekends. Make sure that you avoid staying up or also sleeping in for a period of more than two hours.
Once you make a schedule and stick to it, the internal body clock your body has will very quickly develop a routine that is new. As time progresses, you will be able to fall asleep and wake up without facing too many problems.
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Comfort Matters
A bed that is comfortable is easily the best sleeping environment that will provide for a proper night’s rest. Mattresses and pillows that are old can cause pains and aches which makes it very difficult to get quality sleep.
It is normally recommended that you change your mattress after a period of 10 years and to change your pillows every couple of years. Make sure that you feel comfortable in the mattress that you are going to sleep in. This cannot be stressed enough, if the bed is not comfortable and well adjusted to your particular needs, then you will very obviously have problems sleeping. If you are constantly waking up feeling stiff, immediately get a new mattress and also a new pillow. While the firmness of your mattress is completely a personal choice, if the mattress happens to be saggy or if the pillows are just too lumpy, then you need to immediately address these issues and get new ones.
RELATED: Make your bedroom a real comfort zone with the best mattresses
Get enough light into your system
A very good way to fix the sleeping schedule that you have is to plan how much exposure to light you get throughout the day. When you are exposed to light, the brain as a result stops producing melatonin which is the hormone that is responsible for sleep. This has the effect of making you feel completely awake and also very alert.
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Darkness, on the other hand, signals your brain to make much more melatonin and as a result, you feel drowsy. It is a very good idea to make sure that you get enough exposure to light early on in the morning. This can really help you wake up in the morning. While you can try things like opening up the curtains or taking a walk, these options are sometimes not feasible or practical. In such cases, you might want to consider getting a light therapy device. Light therapy works by mimicking the natural light that is found in nature. It is a very good therapy method with almost no side effects. Talk to your doctor to see if light therapy may be beneficial to you for your sleep issues.