Flickr photo credit: Joelk75
In considering what to do during the next 100 days of summer, I remembered that when I moved back to my hometown (after being away for over 10 years), it was different this time around. With just one child (at the time), I realized that my hometown wasn’t so bad after all. I began to love my new (old) city…
What does the local library offer that you may not know about?
- My local library has a network of nearly 20 libraries to pool resources from. They offer free new release rentals, awesome books, and pick-it-up-at-the-counter service.
What sights (& sites) do visitors come to your city to see?
- Our city has beautiful mountains and a picturesque view.
What can you appreciate about your city that another city may not have?
- In my case, it was the lower cost of living that brought me back home.
Do you have family in your city? Friends?
- 90% of my (and my husband’s) family still live in our hometown. It’s amazing that my son and daughter have almost daily exposure to our family, including cousins, grandparents, and great-grandparents.
If you work outside the home, what conveniences are along your route?
- My full-time job’s office is located on a major street; so, I love all the conveniences that are within driving distance at lunch.
What locals deals and amenities can you take advantage of?
- Surprisingly, for a city of our size, we have 2 malls and access to almost every department store, chain restaurant, and convenience of a much larger city.
What’s in close proximity to your house?
- Now, I have shorter driving distances than when I lived in a suburb of a larger city.
Have you had a staycation in your city or discovered hidden treasures?
[…] Have a staycation in your city. […]