Do you love getting books for free? Are you an ebook or Kindle lover? Then, check out some of these free ebooks that Amazon is currently offering. Price subject to change at anytime. These books will help busy moms with family, home, or getting some time to herself. Download Clever Household Tricks. (affiliate link)
These clever tricks will save you time and free your house of clutter and mess, while using things you are probably throwing out or are collecting dust. Something for everyone in this book, I bet you haven’t heard all these tricks yet.
Download 40 Days of Prayer
(affiliate link)
“One of the most significant numbers in the Bible is the number 40. Many of the most well known Biblical events can be connected with the number 40. Each time the number 40 appears, God does something huge. Each day people began to hear about the 40 days of prayer and asked to be added to the list, and our prayer circle continues to grow. It was an incredible 40 days that made a huge difference in the lives of everyone involved. I want to share these devotions with you. My prayer is that God will speak to you about changes He wants to make in your life.
Download 110 Ideas to Keep Kids Busy Without Technology. (affiliate link)
110 Ideas to Keep Kids Busy Without Technology is filled with tons of ideas for kids only, things you can do with them, older/younger siblings working together, and family activity ideas too!
These books are currently FREE. But, the price could change at any time. You can save this to your Kindle or Amazon account.
Don’t own a Kindle? No problem. You can download one of the free Kindle apps for your web browser, desktop computer, or any mobile device you have. I’ve read lots of books on my phone, so let me know if you have any questions.
Disclosure: Affiliate links used. Thanks for supporting this site!
OOoooOOO love the households tricks one thanks for sharing!!