Family law in CA can involve a lot of complicated legal matters. Secure your rights with the help of a family law attorney from Newport Beach.
Making the decision to finally end your marriage can be tough. It is not only the emotional aspect of breaking things up with someone you have spent a lot of important moments with. It also involves many legal matters that both you and your future ex-spouse need to deal with.
From how the properties are divided to who gets to live with the children, it is necessary for spouses to come to an agreement. You can protect your rights and interests by seeking representation from skilled family law attorneys in CA.
Family Law In California
Getting a divorce in California may not be easy, especially if you have been with your spouse for a long time. Through the years of your marriage, you may have bought properties together, and had kids. These can become important aspects that need consideration as you go through your divorce.
Family law in CA covers such legal matters. It is not only divorce, but also issues with property division, child custody, child support, or spousal support. These are areas a family law attorney handles.
Divorce In CA
Filing a divorce may not always be smooth sailing. Depending on your circumstances, it can take months or even years. Things can get complicated if you and your spouse find it hard to agree on important divorce matters. On the other hand, it can also end smoothly if you can negotiate peacefully with the help of your respective attorneys.
As you come to the conclusion that you and your spouse can no longer stay married, you can choose to file a divorce. Either of you can file it in the county where you have lived for the past three months, in the state where you have been a resident for the past 6 months.
How Are Properties Divided?
Among the matters related to family law in CA, property division may be one of the most contested. The state of California is a community property state. It means that properties acquired by a couple during their marriage are generally equally owned by spouses.
In the event of a divorce, these assets are divided equally between each party. The entire process can be messy especially when one spouse refuses to let go of certain properties. The good news is, that couples can avoid such a complex situation by signing a prenuptial agreement before their wedding.
Who Gets Custody Of The Children?
A divorce can be a long and complicated process, especially when it involves the well-being of the children. Problems related to family law in CA are often connected to child custody. The court looks into different factors when deciding who is granted the right to live with the child.
- The child’s age and health condition.
- The parent’s ability to look after the child.
- The emotional connection between the child and the parent.
- Any history of abuse in the family.
- The child’s environment and connection to home, school, and community.
Depending on these conditions, you may be granted either legal custody, which is the right to make important decisions regarding your child’s life. Or the court may give you physical custody of the child, the court may even grant you both legal and physical custody.
Can You Receive Alimony?
Possibly one of the most frequently asked questions when discussing family law in CA is, who receives alimony? In California, alimony or spousal support is a court-ordered payment that requires one spouse to pay the other.
A spouse can file a request for spousal support to the court. You can seek help from a family law attorney in CA to ensure that steps in the filing are properly followed. The judge will look into several factors. For example, the standard of living the spouses shared during their marriage and their ability to earn money.
Do You Need A Family Law Attorney In Newport Beach?
A divorce does not just end with the decision that a marriage is beyond repair. It is essential to have the representation of an experienced family law attorney to ensure that your rights are protected in every aspect of your divorce.
Moore Family Law Group and its team of skilled family law attorneys understand the complications a divorce can bring. They have knowledge and experience in every aspect of family law in CA to help you with your legal needs.
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