Pregnancy brings significant changes in a woman’s life. The changes are both internal and external. Your entire body goes through a lot of changes, especially after delivery. And the most significant and noticeable difference is in the body size. During pregnancy, your uterus expands to make room for the fetus. The size of the uterus changes and expands post-delivery. The same goes for the rest of your body.
Owing to the untimely cravings women face during pregnancy, it is possible to gain weight. But losing weight after giving birth is possible, and you don’t need to stress about it. There is no issue in gaining a little weight during pregnancy to ensure the fetus receives the proper nutrition and energy. However, as you start adjusting to your new baby and routine, you must stay fit and get back in shape. Keeping up with your health and fitness will also help you actively take care of your baby while managing your routine tasks.
Let’s take a look at some of the tips that can help you gradually shed post-pregnancy weight and get fit:
- Set Realistic Goals and Expectations
Ensure you are realistic when setting a goal for losing your baby weight. It is easy to get influenced by celebrities and mommy influencers’ toned bodies within weeks of delivery. But you need to know that everyone’s body is different, and comparing your progress with theirs will not benefit you in the long run. It is alright if it takes you time to reach your goal. However, if naturally getting a toned body is difficult, you can go for mommy makeover treatment by visiting for your desired results.
Besides, first, follow your goal to lose weight naturally. Follow your doctor’s recommendation, which is usually scheduled between six to eight weeks, post-delivery.
- Walk
One of the most significant causes of excessive weight gain during pregnancy is eating too many fulfilling meals and moving too little. It can be hard to stay active during pregnancy because of fatigue, exhaustion and feeling overwhelmed, but it is possible to return to your usual self after pregnancy. Make sure you refrain from following a sedentary lifestyle after delivery. Gradually, start with easy strolls for like 15 minutes. Once you start recovering and depending on your doctor’s suggestion, start walking correctly for about 20-30 minutes.
- Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding helps burn around 500-700 calories daily and is essential for shedding some extra pounds. Also, it helps reduce your risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. Besides, you must ensure that you take around 200-500 calories daily. Include nutrient-rich meals in your routine when breastfeeding.
It is recommended that mothers should breastfeed their babies to gain long-term benefits for the baby as well as themselves. Breastfeeding also helps to get your uterus size back to its original size.
- Follow a Balanced Diet Plan
Having multiple cravings during pregnancy is entirely normal and natural. But once you have given birth to the baby, you must watch your fitness and health too. You will need to eat a balanced diet of all essential nutrients. A balanced diet does not include empty-calorie foods, for instance, sugary sweets, chips, soda, fast food, and more. Eat everything but eat in moderation, including fresh fruit and vegetables.
Also, a balanced diet means eating all kinds of foods in sufficient quantities, not excess. Following a proper diet routine will help you get long-term results.
- Start Kegels to Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles
Prolonged pushing, vacuum, or forceps-assisted deliveries may weaken your pelvic floor muscles, causing bladder leakage. However, this problem is temporary but must be addressed on time with Kegel exercises. Having extra body weight is already stressful, and having bladder leakage can lead to further anxiety. Kegel exercises can be helpful in your journey to get fit post-pregnancy.
- Take Rest
Lack of sleep can take a toll on new moms. If you are not taking sufficient sleep, it may lead to more cravings and an upset metabolism. Having unusual cravings will lead to massive weight gain, as you may start eating unhealthy snacks or junk food. And a metabolism that is not digesting your food will also contribute significantly towards weight gain.
Make sure you sleep whenever you can. Ask others to help and look after the baby so you can sleep peacefully. Your body needs activity, but it also needs to heal. If you sleep or take rest properly, it can help your progress.
- Gradually Start with a Light Workout
Start with a light workout instead of vigorous exercises right after childbirth. As mentioned, avoid getting influenced by celebrities’ and mommy influencers’ workout routines. Your body and everyone else’s body are different. What suits them might not suit your body.
Take baby steps and keep moving forward. Start with core strengthening exercises, but after consulting your doctor. Start with bridge and plank exercises. They specifically strengthen the core areas and abdominal region. Yoga is also a great option to relax and strengthen muscles.
Moreover, you can go cycling and swimming every once in a while. All these exercises will burn enough calories to help you get back in shape. However, before starting any of the mentioned workouts, take your doctor’s approval.
- Continue Your Prenatal Vitamins
All breastfeeding moms should continue with their prenatal vitamins, even after childbirth. These vitamins help restore the lost nutrients during pregnancy and aid in postnatal healing while your baby gets complete nutrition through milk.
Many women gain excessive weight during pregnancy because of frequent cravings and little physical activity. As soon as the baby is born, they want to eliminate the extra fat and achieve their old body shape and size. And it is possible to do so if you make suitable amendments to your lifestyle. Apart from following the above discussed tips to get fit, don’t forget to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water every day. A positive attitude and a few changes in your lifestyle is all you need to get there.
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