During the winter period, birds are having a hard time finding food due to the scarcity of it. A lot of local communities, therefore, get together and make sure to leave the bird’s food on tree branches and make sure the birds have access to food on the cold days.
However, a large portion of the population, though they do it with good intention, are unaware of what food birds can and cannot eat and whether certain food can be harmful to birds and hazardous. Therefore, in the text below, we summed up some of the foods they can and cannot eat.
Avocados are a big NO!
When it comes to avocados, people usually assume that, as it is a natural fruit, birds are allowed to eat it without causing them any harm, however, avocado seeds are known to have traces of persin. Persin is a compound, fatty acid, and can cause different issues to birds, like heart damage, respiratory issues, and difficulties, and can also be linked to sudden deaths in birds.
It is worth mentioning that different species of birds are more resistant to the acid and can consume it without difficulty, however it is hard to distinguish which birds exactly are tolerant to it and which are not.
Seeds are fortunately one of the things on the menu completely safe for consumption and do not pose any harmful effects on their well-being. Some of the safe seeds are sunflower hearts, nyjer seeds, peanuts, of course, crushed peanuts as whole ones can get stuck in their narrow throats and cause respiratory blockage.
Also, birds can dried calci worms since they are one of the richest sources of protein and miners essential for the birds’ well-being and are highly recommended. They are rich in fats, also have a high percentage of calcium, and attract a wide variety of different birds.
It is one of the best options to leave them, especially during those cold winter days when they are exposed to extremely low temperatures and require high fat and protein content food.
Therefore, when thinking of options, go with the worms or seeds, and you’ll be on the safe side when it comes to food.
Keep the coffee to yourself
Caffeine and coffee seeds are another thing on the list that can cause harm to the birds and should be kept away from the food trays. As coffee gives us energy and can be beneficial to a certain extent, a lot of people forget the fact that coffee, or the caffeine in it, is a powerful stimulus that can easily affect the bird.
Even a little amount of the beverage or seed can be lethal to the bird and have dire consequences on its overall well-being.
Sweet chocolate
Chocolate is a big NO as well, as it is linked to heart issues, it can cause problems to their metabolism, more specifically it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Also, its high sugar content can put the bird into a trauma state, and they are prone to seizures and other issues.
Therefore chocolate is toxic, so avoid it by any means. Children especially, though with good intention, leave small M&M outside or in a food tray.
This can be especially harmful and dangerous as the birds are easily attracted by their bright colors. Also, other than the toxicity, these small snacks can get stuck in their throats and cause choking.
Not all seeds are safe
As said before, most seeds are a big YES for birds and can be beneficial for their overall well-being. However, apple seeds are notorious for their cyanide content and as with people, this toxin is hazardous and harmful for birds as well.
Not only apple seeds but also pits like the ones in cherries and plums; other than the seeds themselves, the fruit is completely harmless for the bird and they consume it without any issues.
Another issue is spicy foods with a high content of sulfur, especially onions which are proven to cause problems in birds and are toxic, therefore avoid it and make sure to never put them anywhere near the little fellow.
Allicin-containing veggies are also hazardous to birds since their systems cannot digest them and it is poisonous to them.
As you might expect, the majority of the meals on the list are rather familiar, yet many of us are ignorant of their impact on birds’ delicate bodies. Unfortunately, we frequently overlook the distinctions in anatomy and structure, and we frequently lack the crucial information, thus, getting informed on this topic is of paramount importance.
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