What’s an awesome camping trip without a campfire? The importance of fire starting in survival situations cannot be underestimated.
Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay
And it’s not only about sitting around a crackling campfire with your buddies, enjoying a meal together, and trading stories. In this post, I’m going to cover some of the most paramount benefits of using fire starters during your outdoor adventures. Read on, find more camping-related info on cleverwander.com, and feel the power of being well-informed.
The Importance of Reliable Fire Starters
You don’t have to be an expert in wilderness survival situations to make the most of the advantages of a solid survival fire starter. In fact, having more than one fire igniting option is essential in the outdoors. While water-resistant matches and torch lighters are a decent solution, make sure you prepare more than one fire-igniting option for the great outdoors.
Aside from creating a cozy, serene environment and helping you cook during your camping trip, your campfire ushers in the following benefits:
- it keeps you warm: this advantage is especially helpful if you’re lost or in trouble somewhere in the wilderness;
- provides a source of light: you sure need it in a camping situation, e.g., to prepare your shelter, food, etc.;
- it purifies water: the boiling option is very much appreciated by the outdoor enthusiasts;
- it’s used for signaling: you’re going to benefit from it if you desperately need to get noticed and rescued;
- fire helps keep predators at bay: it scares away the majority of insects and predators, keeping you safe in a survival situation;
- it disinfects wounds: fire is used to sterilize open injuries and cuts — not that I’m trying to scare you here, but keeping a reliable fire starter handy whenever you’re in the wilderness is a must.
The Perks of Utilizing Fire Starters vs. Matches
Now, let me dwell upon the perks of using fire starters in comparison with regular matches or lighters. First and foremost, unlike your typical kindling, fire starters are a cakewalk to utilize. They’re designed with speedy ignition in mind. And they burn stably for extended periods of time, so you don’t have to bother gathering more wood to get the flame going finally. With that being said, top-notch fire starters are just the ticket if you intend to start a fire in less than a favorable environment.
If your campfire is built with wet wood, if you have to work up a fire when it rains, or if you have no kindling on you, a reliable fire starter is definitely going to come in handy. Furthermore, with a good (read as small-sized, waterproof, and eco-friendly) fire starter in your backpack, you won’t have to run around with piles of dry sticks. All in all, high-quality fire starters are handy, speedy, and convenient. They’re a must-have for camping.
Make the Right Choice
If you’re currently shopping for a fire starter aiming to find the best one, below you will find some of the most vital criteria to rely upon:
- large strike capacity: the more strikes, the better;
- start-a-fire time: the quicker, the better;
- weather-proofness: this one is pretty self-explanatory;
- portability, eco-friendliness, and long lifespan.
Starting a Campfire: Safety Is Paramount
Top-notch fire starters make all the difference when it comes to getting a fire going during your camping experiences. However, there are a few essential safety precautions you need to take when reaping the above-described benefits of using fire starters. Find these safety precautions below:
- fire starters are easily flammable: do your best to approach them wisely, will all the necessary knowledge in mind;
- when making the most of fire starters, follow all the instructions that come with them;
- don’t just leave your fire starters lying around.
In addition to all this, prior to starting a fire, always dig a pit or use stones to create a solid border for it. That way, you will prevent the flame from going out of control and, i.e., from doing lots of damage. Also, the area where you will start your campfire should be considered well in advance. Avoid setting it under low trees. Camping in the wind? Always look for more space for your campfire for more control. Playing with fire is dangerous; that’s a given. Bear that in mind when using even the safest and most reliable of fire starters.
Cutting to the Chase: Stick with a Solid Fire Starter
Survival flame starting solutions are not just for die-hard wilderness lovers. As a matter of fact, almost anyone can enjoy the benefits of having a fire starter on them. Naturally, if you’re a fan of the great outdoors and love outdoor adventures, your camping kit probably already contains a fire starter (or two).
Getting lost in the wilderness and being all alone outside on an extremely cold night is something no one ever plans on. Starting a fire in these situations is more than just a necessity or a fine make-you-feel-safe mood-booster. There are situations when reliable fire starters save lives.
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