Every day this month, I will be featuring an interview with a working mom just like you. It’s called A Day in the Life of a Working Mom.
We’ll learn about what she does for work, her family life, and….her tips/tricks for getting everything done.
Today’s featured Working Mom is Maya!
What do you do for a living?
I was formerly in the management trainee program at Enterprise Rent a Car, but I’ll be starting a new position with PepsiCo in a couple of weeks.
How do you fit blogging into the mix (if it’s not your “day job”)?
I fit blogging in usually by waiting until the baby is asleep or with her grandma for the weekend. If she’s awake, there’s no getting anything done.
Tell us about your family (married, significant other, children’s ages, etc.).
I’m a single mom of an 8 month old baby girl. Her father is very active in her life, we just aren’t together.
Where do you live?
I live on the south side of Chicago. Born & raised!
What is your typical day like?
A typical day is waking up at 5:30 am, getting dressed, getting baby dressed, dropping her off at daycare, and going to work until 6:30 pm. After work, my routine includes picking her up from Grandma’s house, a little bit of play time, bath time, putting baby to bed, and scurrying to do whatever I need to do before she wakes up in 3 hours.
What’s the best thing about being a working mom? What’s the hardest thing?
The best part about being a working mom is getting social interaction with people my age. The hardest part is of course being away from my baby for so long and having very little free time during the week.
Do you experience guilt associated with being a working mom?
I do sometimes because I feel like I should be spending more time with her to see all the little milestones first. But mommy has to provide in order to get baby what she needs and wants.
How do you handle day to day responsibilities (meals, laundry, cleaning, chauffeuring kids, Dr. appointments, school meetings, etc.)?
Laundry & major cleaning is always done on Sundays since that’s usually the only time I’m home most of the day. For doctor’s appointments, I’ll usually take a half day off from work.
Guilty pleasures?
My guilty pleasures are key lime pie & my pole fitness classes.
What are your top 3 – 5 tips for keeping everything together?
1. Keep a schedule
2. Make use of your team: grandparents, friends, uncles, aunts, etc. are all willing to help, especially with small babies. So, let people babysit when you need a break or need to get things done.
3. Take a moment out of every day for yourself: whether it’s an activity or just a few minutes alone in the shower.
Where to find Maya online:
Maya blogs at Classic. City. Chic blog to share what she has learned with college students and now young professionals, while sharing personal style and fashion secrets. She and her blogging partner will show you everything from putting together everyday outfits, to work wear, to styling after hours outfits. They’ll even let you know how to catch great deals from your favorite stores.
Blog: classiccitychic.com
Classic City Chic on Instagram & Twitter: @classiccitychic
Maya on Instagram & Twitter: @miamaya22
What was helpful that you can apply to your work mom life?
Let me know in the comments below. If you have an extra moment, head over to give that working mom some love!
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If YOU would like to be featured, send an email to raki at outsidetheboxmom dot com. If all of the October spots have been filled, I will feature your interview in a continued series.
Thanks again for the feature! I’m glad yo share my journey with fellow moms!
This is one BLMGIRLS working mom that I immediately identified with. I was fresh out of college with a small baby with no job in sight. When I finally found one I was always arrest My mom and my support team were and still are beyond amazing!
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Sometimes my only moments alone are in the shower, too– no wonder I take my time in there. Truly, I admire you, Maya– sounds like you get a serious number of things done every day. I have been finished with baby days for a while (*sniff* I miss them sometimes!), but each age is even more fun than the last. You are a momma-to-be-admired. (& your photo looks like it came from the shiny pages of a stylish magazine!~) |Can’t wait to read more from the connected blogs, too– classiccitychic.com has a pair of blue heels I am about to research so I can see how long it’ll take me to be in the vicinity of affordability… ~~
Thank you so much!! I appreciate the accolades. Some days I want to stay in bed but my daughter is what pushes me to keep moving forward and keep getting better. So glad you’re loving my blog as well! Those shoes are Michael Antonio, I got them on sale for $20 but still very affordable at retail price! Hopefully you’ll see more you like soon!