Every day this month, I will be featuring an interview with a working mom just like you. It’s called A Day in the Life of a Working Mom.
We’ll learn about what she does for work, her family life, and….her tips/tricks for getting everything done.
Today’s working mom is L.C.!
Tell us about your family (married, significant other, children’s ages, etc.).
I am a single, divorced mom of two children, ages 17 and 3.
Where do you live?
I live in Durham, NC.
What do you do for a living?
I am a corporate attorney.
How do you fit a side hustle into the mix (if it’s not your “day job”)?
I do not have a side hustle, however I have been seriously considering taking one on. I will need a gig that I could do at home in the evening.
What is your typical day like?
I get up around 6am, wake my son up so he doesn’t miss the bus, read my bible, get ready for work, wake up my daughter, get her dressed and leave the house by 8am.
What’s the best thing about being a working mom? What’s the hardest thing?
I love providing for my family; however the hardest part is wanting to spend more time with the kids.
Do you experience guilt associated with being a working mom?
Guilt is a strong word…I wouldn’t say guilt, perhaps occasional sadness.
How do you handle day to day responsibilities (meals, laundry, cleaning, chauffeuring kids, Dr. appointments, school meetings, etc.)?
I do it all…except my son’s laundry.
What are your top 3 – 5 tips for keeping everything together?
Prioritizing…not everything must get done.
There’s no “keeping everything together”…there’s just doing your best in light of your current circumstances.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself some time.
Guilty pleasures?
A monthly massage, occasional mani/pedi and glass of wine.
Where to find L.C. online:
L.C. blogs at A Life of Authenticity. She’s a Jesus girl saved by grace. Full-time mom of two. Corporate attorney by day. Blogger sharing practical tips, ideas and advice on relationships, parenting, career, faith, and much more. To learn more, read here.
Blog: alifeofauthenticity.com
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What was helpful that you can apply to your work mom life?
Let me know in the comments below. If you have an extra moment, head over to give that working mom some love!
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If YOU would like to be featured, send an email to raki at outsidetheboxmom dot com. If all of the October spots have been filled, I will feature your interview in a continued series.
I love how she said it’s not so much guilt, but occasional sadness. That’s pretty much what it is for me too. I don’t feel guilty but sometimes get sad that I have to be at a certain place at certain times instead of with my kids.