Homework is very instrumental in your children’s education. They need to do their assignment so that they can practice what they learn in school.
Through homework, you can also check on your children’s progress in school and whether or not they are grasping the content. However, as important as homework may be, parents should not force their children to do it. There are several reasons why they shouldn’t do this, and here are some of them.
They may find it hard
Parents often spend hours nagging their children to finish their work without trying to help them understand the work they have been given. You can slowly learn how to get your children to do their homework without having to force them. One good option you can use to inspire a student to complete writing assignments is by reading various essay options. They can get ideas from the essays, which will make the assignment seem less hard. You can find lots of great examples if you look into eduzaurus.com page absolutely free. This popular essay platform offers free online essay samples to students who need well-written essays.
Can cause bad attitude towards school
Learning should be enjoyable for children, and so should homework. However, if you force children to do their assignments, you take away the joy of doing the work. Kids are highly likely to have a bad attitude towards doing the work if forced to do it. Research also states that too much homework among children has a more negative than positive impact.
Young children will start to despise school due to the work they are forced to do when tired. This is not very good, especially if the child has years’ worth of homework they still have to do before that can call it a wrap. As much as it is given with good intention, make sure you are not forcing your child to do it.
Children need to relax and reboot
After spending a full day in school focusing on academic work, when they go home, what they mostly need is sufficient rest. Your grade 2 daughter doesn’t need to spend hours doing her homework to the point she is dozing off when doing it. At this age, she shouldn’t be doing assignments like she is in high school.
Now you not only have undone homework, but there’s also a crying child and a tired, exasperated parent. You end up secretly doing their assignment after all this fighting which is not doing the child any good. Let your child rest if they are tired, you can always talk to the teacher if they are not done in the morning.
The responsibility ends up falling on the parent
Parents already have too much on their plate, and having to follow up on a kindergarten child’s homework is not making their lives any easier. Children cannot set aside time when they will voluntarily sit down and start on their homework. You have to be the one to follow them and ensure that they have done it.
This leads to the repeated cycle of trying to get them to do the work when they are tired. This becomes another night of wails, tears, undone homework, and a tired parent. This is a role you do not very much desire to be taking up daily.
Responsibility and skills can be taught in other ways
The main idea around giving children homework is that they get to learn soft skills and how to be responsible. It is also supposed to test their memory, performance, thinking, and ability to focus. This will not work if the child ends up sleep-deprived since you did not allow them to go to bed until they are done with their homework.
There are several other ways you can use to teach your 10-year-old responsibility without having to force in them. You can focus on smaller tasks like ensuring they carry back their full set of crayons from school. You could also teach them to pick up their toys and return them when they are done playing with them.
Forcing your children to do their assignments is not always the way out. It may harm them in the long run. Instead of forcing them to do the homework, find other ways you can use to convince them to do the homework. You can use a reward incentive where if they can finish their homework on time, they get a treat. This will give them that extra push to do the assignment without complaining. Don’t forget that ‘Good job!’ once they are done.
Author’s Bio
Cory Shilling writes for a tech company where he is a key part of the digital marketing team. He writes web content and blogs and, on the side, also does academic writing gigs for an online writing agency. His free time is spent watching NFL games and tv shows and creating memes for social media.
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