Education is a big part of any young person’s life. As parents, guardians and caretakers of children making sure that they’re prepared to face the world as an adult is paramount.

Cute school friends in casual going down stairs
We take an interest in the education of the children because they are destined to become the leaders of the future, those who will be employees, entrepreneurs, public servants, doctors, mechanics and entertainers. So, if you’re looking to make the right choice for your young person’s education, here are some of the options that are available to children up to and through the high school or secondary level.
Charter Schools
These types of schools are actually a type of public school. The best charter schools Utah typically offer more autonomy, smaller class sizes and provide more educational options. They don’t have district boundaries and children from all over the state can attend if they so choose. In many places, there are not a lot of charter schools, so admittance is often done as a lottery.
Public Schools
Public schools are perhaps the most familiar. They are funded by the state and local government and are available to any school age child at no cost. By law, public schools have to admit children that live within their district boundary.
Private Schools
Private schools can be secular or religious. Although many of them are attached to a religious institution, the ones that are not are typically a preparatory school or dedicated to a certain educational philosophy like Waldorf. All houston private schools, and private schools in all areas, in fact, are different, and the tuition costs can vary widely.
Special Education
A special education school caters to children who have special needs. This population of students can consist of those with Autism Spectrum Disorder, mental delays, deaf/blind, emotional disorders and specific learning disabilities. Curriculum in these schools is tailored to the specific needs of students to best serve their needs.
Magnet Schools
Magnet schools are a lot like charter schools in that they’re also a type of private school and they accept students from all over the state. They typically want students of a diverse background who are interested and very intelligent in specific areas. A focus area for a magnet school could be science and technology, aerospace science, performing arts or medicine. Students will usually need to test into these schools.
International Baccalaureate and AP
Homeschooling is an option for those who are interested in educating their young ones the way that they see fit. Parents can take education on the road and explore all that their community has to offer (i.e. museums, post office, farms, etc.), they can travel the world, they can recreate a traditional academic model at home, or they can try unschooling. There’s a lot of freedom and flexibility in this option.
Virtual Schools
A virtual school is a traditional school where the curriculum is taught online using a computer or mobile device. Some of these schools allow for self-paced learning, while others allow for selecting individual classes. Begin a 1-day free trial with LOOMI. You may find this type of education referred to as distance learning.
Hopefully, this list has helped you to better understand the different educational paths that can be leveraged to nurture the next generation. Of course, all of these options are not going to fit your unique situation, but knowing your options will help you to make the choice that is right for your family.
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