The last thing you want when you find that new home is to have to deal with someone that is a bad neighbor, but unfortunately they are a problem. Some bad neighbors can be dealt with as easily as getting to know them and the passage of time. Some can’t.
- Check With Other Neighbors
It is unlikely that every other person in the neighborhood is going to be as bad as the problem neighbor. It would be unusual if you were the only person that had ever had a problem with them either.
You may be able to find out if there is something you did upset the person, if this is typical behavior for them, or if something happened in their lives that might be causing this. You may find some allies too.
RELATED: How to Deal With Bad Neighbors
- Document The Problem
Sometimes the bad attitude you get from your neighbor can escalate into confrontation or aggression. At this point, it may not have got to a level where prosecution is an option, but it may be causing you some emotional upset and stress.
Keeping notes of when a thing occurred and anyone else who might have witnessed it could be helpful if it gets any worse. Photos may be necessary. This also helps you get a notion of how big the problem is that you are dealing with.
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- Get A Mediator
Dealing with your neighbor directly may have been impossible. Involving someone else that lives in the neighborhood may have proven to be equally difficult as people are often unwilling to draw attention to themselves and feel the wrath of the bad neighbor directed at them.
Thankfully there are organizations such as the National Association for Community Mediation who have lots of experience dealing with these kinds of situations. They are going to have multiple resources they can call on, and they are going to at least be able to serve as a support network for yourself.
- Call The Cops
This option is something that you may need to consider. When you have tried every reasonable avenue in order to deal with the bad neighbor and their problematic behavior, and it has escalated to possible damage and violence, the police may be needed.
By the time that you have reached this point, and if you are having to consider it, things are already pretty bad. If you have done everything that you can then you are just doing what is necessary.
- Move
If the problem with the bad neighbor drags on, and nothing seems to handle it, there is another option. You could always move.
Moving can be stressful if you don’t have a company like Matco Edomonton to help you out, but it is unlikely to be as stressful as staying in a place with someone that is mistreating you. If no one is really helping you you may decide it is not a place you want to live and perhaps not a place you want to raise a family.
RELATED: 10 Reasons You Should Leave Moving to the Professionals
In Conclusion
Having a bad neighbor is a horrible thing to have to deal with, but there are solutions. At no point do you really run out of options, even though you may be stressed and it may seem that way. You have to work out where you want to draw the line and then take action.