When it comes to finances in a marriage, budget for personal expenses, then don’t ask and don’t tell. This marriage advice will save a lot of arguments and even more marriages. Personal expenses can be a point of contention between couples. I will show you that if you set a budget, use cash, and plan ahead, you can save big. This is ...
Marriage Advice
Marriage Advice Quotes to Inspire You
This post may contain affiliate links. Read full disclosure.These marriage advice quotes will help you remember what brought you together, bring you closer, and deepen your bond. Marriage advice from others who have been where you are can be encouraging, inspiring, and rejuvenating to hear. I have hand-picked 10 great pieces of marriage advice that will hopefully help you to connect with your spouse in a ...
Marriage Advice After Kids
This post may contain affiliate links. Read full disclosure.This marriage advice for couples with kids tells you how to plan, what to read, who comes first, how to play nice, and more. You don't want to miss these seven essential pieces of marriage advice showing you how to be happy, even with kids. This marriage advice is from Marriage.com founder Malini Bhatia. We will raise a family, A boy for you, ...
Great Marriage Advice Books
This post may contain affiliate links. Read full disclosure.Looking for some great books about marriage including having realistic expectations, romance, romance on a budget, passion, and great sex? Read on! Spice up your love life -- in the bedroom and out -- which includes faith-based ebooks for married couples. With ideas for rekindling romance, being the best spouse you can be and improving ...
Marriage Advice for Women
This post may contain affiliate links. Read full disclosure.I want to share this marriage advice for women to help them honor, protect, respect, and enjoy their commitment. Marriage advice for women may look different than marriage advice one would give a man. That's because women are different than men. Therefore, the Bible gives different roles to women than it does men. In fact, the Bible says ...