Roots generally represent where you come from. They are the strong anchor from which everything grows. They have to be firmly planted or their fruits will be blown away by the wind.
I think everyone wants to know where their roots come from. They want to feel a sense of connection to something bigger than what currently is…bigger than me.
I wonder…
Where did my ancestors come from?
What did they look like?
What have I inherited from them?
Would they be proud of me?
I think it’s very fitting that family histories are most often referred to as family trees.
Trees have roots. Trees start off being pretty small when they are planted. They take tens of years to grow…significantly. But, generations later, trees provide shelter, shade, and beauty to all those who gaze upon them.
If the roots are strong, you can always come back to where they start…and start over. For that, I am very grateful. Here’s to getting back to your roots…
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.
I don’t really know any family history beyond my parents so I love the idea that my kids and their kids and so on will have this legacy and maybe then, we’ll have names to fill in those spots on the family tree and God will make those generations fruitful. Thanks for linking up and sharing your five minutes with me today.
Blessings to you, great post.
I love the idea of always having a place to return to, a place to start again.
I would like to know what my ancestors looked like also. My husband and I signed up for and it is addicting! We found some family scandals! (he!he!) It is amazing to learn where you come from. Great post!
Love the tree!
Your post has a poetic vibe, love that too and the closing, “If the roots are strong, you can always come back to where they start…and start over. For that, I am very grateful.” How significant especially when often in life you find yourself moving in different directions from your roots, family or loved ones, even sometimes estranged. Cheering you on.