The way technology has run our world today, sometimes it feels like everything is just being handed to us, both literally and figuratively.
That is why I think it is quite a pleasure to see people starting to do DIY stuff again. Though you might say that there was already a pocket of resistance coming from the most unusual suspects. Knitting has been a favorite pastime activity among a very discernable group of people. You know who exactly these people are, and with yarn in hand, I admit that I am one of them.
So, why do people knit and what reasons are there to even say that this hobby is worthwhile. You see a knitter in all kinds of forms and sizes and every walk of life. You will see examples like the grandmas making their family Christmas sweaters, to the posh executive in a coffee shop waiting for her partner, the student while waiting on the subway, and the working mom trying to enjoy her holiday. With that said, let us try to recruit you into one of our circles. These reasons why you need to start knitting may just make you rush to the yarn store.
A Yarn Store is as Healthy as an Organic Market
For the better, the world is finally taking note of the aspect of human health that has been neglected ever since civilization. Mental health is not something that you can take for granted and it affects us in so many different ways. A healthy state of mind can prove to be the difference between making it through your life goals and not making it through the day. Some mental disorders can even be characterized as crippling thus severely affecting day to day lives. And of course, some can lead to physical harm which includes acts of self-harm.
Knitting is a healthy hobby and it is not just because yarns look like a vegan meal. Being able to clear your mind from the complexities of your day by focusing on something simple and relaxing will let you center your mind. Studies have shown that people who knit are less prone to depression despite the words sad and knit often used in the same sentence.
A Yarn Store or a Yoga Gym
A lot of my friends turned to yoga when it became mainstream. I cannot blame them though after being to a few sessions myself. The benefits it gives you are immeasurable but what I find most noteworthy is the way yoga forces me to slow down. The world we live in demands that everything happens as soon as we get wind of it. For instance, if you see a new hot pair of jeans that you like, you know you will be checking it online as soon as you can. Or how long can you truly wait for your food delivery to arrive, and the correct answer would be never soon enough. New book releases, new movies, new game versions, and everything in between spoiled us into the demanding consumers that we are.
Like yoga, knitting just happens to be just as good of a relaxer, as a personal opinion of course. Knitters like the masterful yogi, know exactly when to breathe in and breathe out. And most importantly, they both know when it is time to slow down. As the yogi feels the air around her, the knit master feels the yarn between her fingers. I could draw countless parallels but perhaps the best thing that will convince you is that you can do yoga in a location that is pretty much out of sight lest we invite happy onlookers. Knitting, on the other hand, you can do just about anywhere. You can do it at home or at a restaurant waiting for your order. You can sneak a knitting kit in the library and no one would even care. Finally, there are some fancy yarns out there that could cost a bit but that is nothing compared to your fee for joining a yoga group. Knitting is virtually harmless for you and your wallet.
We Yarn Store Goers are Good at Math
Not only does knitting make you relaxed and calm, but apparently it also makes us smart. I do not know if Einstein could have invented time travel but I imagine that having a pair of knitting needles in hand could not have hurt his chances. Knitting is essentially a mental work out. Criss-crossing yarns on top of each other is the art topography in action. I have a vague clue as to why string theory was named as such.
Because knitting lets us calm ourselves down and focus on one thing and that thing alone, we often are able to use a lot of our brainpower. This is a mental exercise that people often take for granted now. Undergoing total concentration in even just a few minutes is not an easy thing to do. And technology with all the blaring screens in front of us has not made that any easier.
How a Trip to the Yarn Store Bolsters Creativity
If Da Vinci was a knitter, the Louvre would be a Mary Maxim yarn store. People often mistake knitting as purely a procedural exercise. After all, there are patterns that you repeat over and over. What they forget however are the pretty things that come out of it. Pretty scarves, sweaters, and even boots are all possible because of knitting. And when something is pretty, it must have drawn inspiration from something creative like art.
The simple way that knitters combine colors and shapes when creating their masterpieces can be in itself a fun creative experience. And when you complete your artwork, the sight of it can be quite exhilarating. Knowing that you are capable of expressing yourself with something so tangible is an experience that knitters know all too well.
Finally, knitting is an act of friendship. Rarely do knitters create for themselves. They give it to a special someone and seal their bond with yarn.
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