Go BIG or go EXTINCT! Enter to win a copy of Pacific Rim on Blu-ray, which will be released on October 15.
Disclosure: This giveaway, promotional content, and prize is provided by and shipped by Warner Bros. and/or its representatives. No compensation was received for sharing this post.
Directed by Guillermo del Toro, Pacific Rim (released on Blu-ray & DVD Oct.15) is an epic science fiction film set in the 2020s. Earth is at war with Kaijus; colossal monsters from an inter-dimensional gateway on the Pacific Ocean floor. Humanity unites to fight these huge monsters by creating the Jaegers: gigantic humanoid robots that are controlled by two pilots whose minds and memories are linked. The story takes place in the later days of the war, following Raleigh Becket, a former Jaeger pilot called out of retirement and paired up with newbie pilot Mako Mori in a final effort to defeat the Kaijus!
Why You Will LOVE the Pacific Rim Blog App:
Pacific Rim: CONTROLLABLE GIFs – Move & click your mouse across the GIFs to control the Giant Kaiju and Massive Jaegers!
Pacific Rim SUPERFAN QUIZ – How do your movie smarts stack up? Do you consider yourself to be a movie superfan? Take the quiz to find out!
Pacific Rim SOUNDBOARD – Pacific Rim features epic battles between the Jaegers and Kaiju! Play with SFX from the movie, create your own battle clashes, and save mankind from the apocalypse!
Get Social With It!
• Take the Pacific Rim SUPERFAN QUIZ and post your results in the comments section as a giveaway entry.
• Play with the Pacific Rim GIFs and post your favorite in the comments section as a giveaway entry.
• Play with the Pacific Rim SOUNDBOARD and post your favorite SFX from the movie in the comments section as an additional giveaway entry.
• Pin the Pacific Rim Blog App to your Pinterest boards.
• Tweet using the #PacificRim hashtag to spread the word about this epic movie.
• Share on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter.
How to Win a Copy of Pacific Rim on Blu-ray
This giveaway has ended and the winner has been notified.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This promotion is open until October 27, 2013 at 11:59 pm EST and is limited to US and Canadian residents, 18 years or older. The winner will be chosen randomly. Winner must respond to email within 48 hours or prize may be forfeited. Each household is only eligible to win 1 Pacific Rim Blu-Ray via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification. Promotional content and prize for this promotion is provided by and shipped by Warner Bros. and/or its representatives. The prize will be sent via FedEx or UPS. No P.O. Boxes please. This may be a digital delivery. Please also include email address.
I’m a fan in training.
I like controlling the hand.
My favorite SFX is Kaiju.
My result was fan in training
It’s hard to answer the questions when you have not seen the movie yet! I missed a couple and am a Fan-In-Training.
I like the Stomp sound effect.
I am a Fantastic Fan
I got:
Fantastic Fan.
favorite SFX is SHIFT.
my favorite GIF is the one where he is falling out of the sky.
I am a Freshman Fan
I like the one with the big, scary kaiju
Love the Jolt!
Im a fantastic fan and the earth is a better place for it!
I like the GIF where he is falling backwards! (By the way the Pacific Rim Commercial came on as I am entering this. Maybe its good luck! )
I’m a fan in training.
Fantastic Fan
I like the one where he is free falling!
I like the Jager SFX
freshmen fan
fan in training
where he is falling!
I am a fan in training!! lol
Jolt is my favorite!!
The stomping sound effect is the neatest
i was a fan in training
I am a Fantastic Fan !
The big monster with the blue light coming out of his mouth
I like the kaiju sound best.
I am a fan in training.
I am a fan in training.
I’m a fan in training.
It said I’m a “Fantastic Fan”!
I am a fan in training!
IM a fan in training!!
I love the gif of the alien coming down from the sky!
I like the Jolt FX!
I am a Fan in Training
I like the free falling GIF
I like the Shift sound
It says I’m a FANTASTIC FAN!
I’m a Fantastic Fan!
I am a freshman fan
fantastic Fan
I am a Fan in Training
i like the falling backwards GIF
fan in training.
Im a fan in training.
I like SFX Jager.
I like all the stomping.
Fantastic Fan!!1
I like when the car is falling down!
like the kaiju2 sound!!
I am a fan in training 😀
i am a fantastic fan
I am a freshman fan
I like STOMP!!!
Fantastic Fan.
I am told that I am a Freshman Fan!
My fave SFX is SHIFT
I’m a “Fan in Training”
I am only a Fan In Training! I will do better next time 🙂
I’m a fan in training.
Freshman Fan
Where he is falling out of the sky!
My favorite is SHIFT!!
I am a fan in training
I like zooming in the hand.
I like the stomp SFX
I’m a fan in training
I’m a fan in training.
I am a fantastic fan.
I like the stomp sound.
I got fantastic fan
I like the part with the jeep.
im a fan in training
I am a Fan in Training 🙂
I’m a fan in training.
I like the GIF with the kaigju staring at the guy.
I am a fantastic fan
I like the gif where he is falling out of the sky
I like the SFX Jolt
I am just a fan in training!
I like the Stomp effect.
fan in training
Falling from the sky
favorite is the shift
I am a fan in training.
SHIFT is my favorite SFX.
My favorite gif is the one of the roaring monster.
I haven’t seen this movie yet, so I’m okay with my FAN-IN-TRAINING result!
I am entering your giveaway.
It would be great to win the Pacific Rim Blu-Ray.
I took the Pacific Rim SUPERFAN QUIZ and my results were
Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!!
I am entering your giveaway.
It would be great to win the Pacific Rim Blu-Ray.
In response to your requirement to
Play with the Pacific Rim GIFs and post my favorite.
My favorite is The monster
with the blue light coming out of his mouth.
I am entering your giveaway.
It would be great to win the Pacific Rim Blu-Ray.
In response to your requirement to
Play with the Pacific Rim SOUNDBOARD
and post my favorite SFX from the movie.
My favorite is Stomp.
I like the Let’s Do This sfx
I like the GIF where the hand is reaching out from the screen (after he is falling backwards.)
Fan in Training
My results were Fantastic Fan.
I like the stomp sound fx.
My fave SFX is Jolt.
My fave GIF is the giant hand coming down.
The quiz says that I am a fan in training.
I like smashing the hands together.
I’m a fantastic fan
I’m a fan in training
I am a fantastic fan.
I like the GIF where he is falling out of the sky.
I like the STOMP SFX.
I’m a fan in training. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I’m a freshman fan
I was a fan in training.
I like the smashing the hands together.
I like the falling backwards gif.
I’m only a fan in training.
I’m a fan in training.
I liked the Giant Hand GIF
I liked the GIF best of the guy in the gold-ish suit putting the helmet over his eyes.
I like the stomp the best.
I’m a fan in training!
I like the close up of the kaiju
I love the stomp and the jolt sound effects.
I am a Fan-In-Training.
The Jaeger falling is my favorite GIF.
The STOMP SFX is my favorite.
I’m a fantastic fan.
I’m a fan in training. Fave is Controlling game. Like close-up of Kaiju.