No one knows what heaven will be like, but everyone wants to prepare for it. Imagine it as an eternal home your soul will reach after completing its journey on the earth.
Alternatively, it may be a temporary resting place for the soul before it transitions into the afterlife. Since heaven is only an imaginary concept, you can only guess what you will see and do when you reach there. But you can do your bit to prepare for the next world even while being on the earth. Let us share some valuable guidance from spiritual leaders and learned people.
You will not miss your old life
You love your life, job, family, and much more during your existence on the earth. But you need not worry about missing them once you reach heaven. Consider the journey from this world to that world as an upgrade from economy to first class. Rest assured that you will not miss anything once you are there because you will be next to God. So do not fear the transition because it is for the better.
Live with the eternal perspective
Living with the external perspective is a reminder of the brevity of existence. Remember that life is a vapor that ends before you know it, yet the soul lives eternally in this life and the afterlife. The right mindset lets you prepare better for heaven without the fear of death. The soul is eternal, and it never dies, but its existence is divided into small portions of life on the earth.
Learn more about heaven
Another way to prepare for heaven is by knowing more about it. Although you cannot learn about it from a person who has been there, you can find endless information everywhere. Reading books about heaven gives you a great start. You can go the extra mile by attending sermons, talking to learned people, and researching the internet. Look at the right places to know more about the eternal realm.
You may still miss out
Although you may do your best to understand life in heaven, you may still miss out. Be willing to accept the gaps as you will fill them only after reaching there. You will probably see things far more clearly and know much more than you know now. The best you can do right now is find comfort in the secrets and learn things as they come. Just enjoy the pleasures of your spiritual journey!
Live a clean life on earth
Preparing for your heavenly journey is about living a clean life on earth. Although your soul leaves the body on dying, it carries the good and bad things you experience on earth. Remember that negative emotions burden your soul and make the journey harder. Conversely, virtues make it lighter and let it fly freely. Choose your actions wisely to ease the transition to heaven.
Life in heaven is just guesswork for people on the earth. But the most important thing you must understand is that you can do your bit to make the journey smooth and easy. Follow these worthy pieces of advice and imbibe them into your life.
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