Social anxiety is common among introverts. They’re usually known as shy people, so it’s natural that they’re not comfortable in social situations.
Although it’s normal to have social anxiety once in a while, it can be problematic if it becomes persistent or if the reactions are uncontrollable. For example, a number of people tend to cry, shiver, or faint when in social gatherings.
Such recurrences indicate the presence of social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia. Don’t be surprised; it’s quite a prevalent mental health issue. According to statistics, 15 million people in the US suffer from a social anxiety disorder.
It is also said that more than 75% of the people suffering from a social anxiety disorder experience their first symptoms in their childhood. It’s a psychological issue that grows with you as you age.
The Natural Treatment Options for Social Anxiety Disorder
The question is, how to deal with a social anxiety disorder? Yes, you may consult a psychiatrist for it. They’re going to prescribe you a number of anti-anxiety medicines.
While anti-anxiety medicines do work, they’re not always the best choice. The reason being, long-term use of allopathic medicines can affect your liver and digestive system.
Henceforth, it’s encouraged to take organic therapy instead, which includes herbal medicines and lifestyle rehabilitation. Are you confused? Let me list down a few natural ways to combat social anxiety:
Herbs and Plants
First and foremost, herbal medicines are as effective as allopathic medicines. Contrary to the misconceptions, they don’t work slow. Back when there were no allopathic medicines, people used to rely on herbs and plants for all physical and mental health issues.
That’s right. They’re relatively safe compared to allopathic drugs. All you need to do is be consistent and take care of the dosage, and you’ll be good to go. Following are a few herbs and plants that you can take to successfully combat social anxiety:
- Lemon balm
- Chamomile
- Canadian marijuana edibles
- Ashwagandha
What is social anxiety? It’s a feeling of restlessness, panic, and racing thoughts. Isn’t that right? Well, meditation can help relax you. It can effectively control racing thoughts.
There are various meditation styles that you can follow, including meditation during yoga and mindfulness-based meditation. If you ask me, I’d recommend mindfulness-based mediation as it’s exceptionally effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders.
It is also validated by a 2010 meta-analytic review. It said that regular meditation can make you calmer, uplift your mood, and boost your energy.
Body Massage
Body massage is another effective remedy to de-stress your mind and body. The gentle strokes of massage decrease the cortisol level of the body while relieving restlessness and irritability.
Speaking of body massage, choosing the right massage oil is crucial. A number of people from around the world prefer cannabidiol (CBD) oil. Derived from the cannabis plant, CBD oil possesses plenty of healing properties.
Preliminary research suggests that cannabidiol oil has the ability to eliminate stress and anxiety. There are various online cannabis dispensaries that offer high-quality CBD oil. It’s free of tetrahydrocannabinol, so you don’t have to worry about its intoxicating properties.
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing method that involves the use of plants and herbs to promote physical and mental wellbeing. It is said to be exceptionally beneficial for eliminating anxiety and stress.
However, not every scent works for everyone; thus, experimenting with the scent of different plants and herbs is recommended. Lavender essential oil is a fan favorite when it comes to aromatherapy.
A study was conducted in 2012 in which they took subjects with insomnia aged 45-55. According to its result, aromatherapy brings the anxiety down in less than a few minutes by regulating the heartbeat and easing the mind. It also improves sleep-related issues.
Appropriate Sleep
You may think of it as a mainstream piece of advice when in reality your sleep plays a significant role in your mental health. Yes, lack of sleep can make your existing mental health issues worse. Whether it’s social anxiety or depression, having a healthy sleep cycle is crucial.
As mentioned by the Sleep Foundation, one must sleep for 7-8 hours every night to function properly the next day. Sleep deprivation can make you restless and irritated, two of the prominent symptoms of social anxiety.
When you’re mentally relaxed, it becomes easier to meet people and move forward. 7-8 hours of sleep is enough to activate the hippocampus, a part of the brain responsible for processing information. The better you process the information, the more you understand that it’s you who’s uncomfortable with people, not them.
The Final Word…
If nothing else works, you can always seek therapy. A mental health expert would be able to guide you about more suitable relaxing techniques. But first, I would suggest you try the remedies mentioned above. I’m confident they’ll help you out. Stay safe, everyone!
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